
The people, as you call them, voted for him!

First we had an ‘07 then a ‘11 then a ‘13 focus ... the first two were great at being our second car ... Ford just kept buying them back at a good rate to sell us a new one.

Interesting that Canada comes in top 3 cheapest in most categories!  Cars, and running them, always seems so much expensive when compared to the US!

Somewhat moreso common in Québec ...

Too old?  Are you saying that hatchback are just for kids?

I got there every month for work ... what a horrible place to drive!  ( and I grew up there too).

Ever hear of the expression “It’s a Jeep Thing” ...

Is it really ... a Brossard (QC) dealer is selling a near-mint Hyundai Pony for 15k!

Yes they are all quite ugly... however, so are most of the others —with the exception of the CX3.

It’s spelled metre ;-)

All your questions on this delightful page

The Jetson car wasn’t autonomous!

Or ... I can just not use their service and give a flying fuck about my passenger rating!

I only wish that my wife would let me ...

Actually, Karma is what is coming for you!

No, Cuba is Eastern Canada’s number 1 Winter destination after Florida and we never get asked about it at the border.

Majority of tips don’t come from American tourists ... they come from Canadian and South American tourists who flock to the island to have American-free holidays!

I guess that that’s his way of saying Thank You Jalopnik!

Spoken like a true milenial ... it’s not my fault I didn’t know the rules, it’s not fair that I wasn’t told ... let’s change the system to make sure that I don’t get inconvienced again (oh, an in accomodating me, we’ll fucking over a bunch of shit too).

That logic would only apply if Canada had the same social and economic injustice as the US does ;-)