
If you can’t drive in the snow. Leave the handbrake on and leave the car parked.

True jalops use a dough ball

I find this far less annoying than GM’s insistence on using the reverse lights as parking lights.

So lets get this straight here.

but the extra effort it took to park in the first place makes that point completely moot

Can’t blame the toddler. But what kinds of parents let a three year old wander around a car lot (or really any public place), presumably alone? That’s just asking for her to get hit / abducted / in various forms of trouble. A ~$9k settlement is one of the better outcomes from that sort of negligence.

he’s using public streets as an uncontrolled test track.  Dumb ass doing burnouts and high speed runs against a speed bump with rows of parked cars on each side of him.   He claims in the comments “he has plenty of insurance”, and that he “had permits and the cops showed up to check on him”.    I’m all for videos like

Ditto! Runs a stop at Costco, damages the speedbump at Costco and then there is the cyclist!

Am I going to be the only one who thinks this guy is a moron doing this on public roads? Especially a burnout and hitting the nitrous on a road lined with peoples personal cars. Or damaging speed bumps in a retailers parking lot. That and I just cant stand his presentation in general.

What about the space that minimizes chances of door dings?

Canadian signer Jacques Villeneuve won the indy 500 and the F1 WDC back in the 90's

I can't hear you from downstairs...come up if you want to talk.

Screw you mom and dad!  Im buying a sedan!  Also could you cosign my loan?

So basically it’s a big Soul?

I want to live inside this ad.

Old Mercedes hubcaps, which were the same color as the body. 

These are the best