
So, is the point of all your articles going to be ‘we should be thieves’ from now on?

Wealth redistribution is theft. You’re saying we need theft. When I was a broke ass young adult, I didn’t need to steal from anyone to get by. I made minimum wage, worked two full-time jobs and got by. When I didn’t feel like working

Proportional representation is a bit of a losing game. 13% of the main cast of most shows is going to be less than one person. I honestly don’t think that true proportional representation will feel inclusive, so you have to over-represent. That’s not a problem (having your cast be 20% black isn’t going to throw your

Not trying to be pedantic or one of those back-seat editors, but this is where you pull out semi-colons

No, what he did on the streets is NOT fine. I’d beat the hell out of my kids for doing something like that and if he is actually your son, you should be ashamed of the job you did raising him and his brother. They are self-centered, selfish asshats.

Apologies can’t erase the pain he caused the family of the dead

I think it’s a bit harsh to say Bright was a bad movie. If you get over the not-at-all-veiled real world analogues, there is a lot to be enjoyed.

Or maybe we could say Bright is a bad movie because it needed to be a miniseries. There are a lot of hints of a rich lore behind the movie, but we only see hints of it.

I’m pretty sure ‘texted’ is a euphemism.

She isn’t THE problem here. She’s one of the problems. He’s a cowardly piece of shit with anger issues. She’s paranoid, untrusting and manipulative.... and whatever it is that causes women to stick with abusive men.

Is she the reason he hit her? No. He hit her because he’s a

There are only 3 truths in life: The sun will always rise, the government will always screw you, and he will hit you again and again until you leave.

Unrelated, you need therapy. You think he might be cheating so you start ‘texting’ another guy? Totally fucked up. You have no business being in a relationship with

So, the troll gets caught and... what, gets slapped with filing a false report charge?

I don’t see this as anything different than hiring a hitman. The cops are on hair triggers on the best of days. You give them a seemingly legitimate reason to think they’re going into a life or death situation, you might as well be

Yes and no. Once you learn to code, you’ll find problems that you can solve by coding, BUT it’s a skill that needs to be maintained. If you’re not willing to maintain it, it may not be worth your time.

On the other hand, education is never a bad thing. Just getting a basic idea of how programming is done may give you

I have a developer on my team that spent 15 years in a marketing job, then went to school for programming. I don’t know how old she is, but I’m pretty sure she was in her 40s before ever working as a programmer. You have more than enough time to make a really good career.

The market is absolutely NOT flooded. We’ve

I am pulling some numbers out of... certain places, but the $2-3000 range comes from long-term performance before this latest exponential explosion. And that’s where I get the 950% and the 90%

If BitCoin is not a currency, it’s a stock in a company that doesn’t produce anything. Absolutely nothing justifies its current

I find it hard to believe that BitCoin is anywhere near it’s “actual” value. Unless more people are taking BitCoin as payment, the value wouldn’t have gone up 950% in a few months. The correction should take it down into the $3000 range. The speed at which that happens will determine whether or not the currency will

Well, it may take a dozen people for the ship to run well long-term. There could be dozens of little tweaky things that need to be done, but they can be put off for hours.

My biggest problem is why does it need a crew in the first place? I mean, it’s not like piloting a craft is an art form. If you can train a person

I loved Rose and Kelly is always awesome... Can someone help my old ears out? I couldn’t hear anything that she was reacting to...

If we look back at history, I’m sure we’ll find plenty of examples of where the masses attacked the rich and everything turned out good for everyone.

Here’s a wake up call, Mr Nolan. YOU are the 1%. Compared to almost all of the world, YOU are the rich. YOU are the one living off of the backs of the poor. YOU are

You’re being programmed? Duh. Everything (EVERYTHING!) you experience or do alters your brain. Your parents program you. Your teachers, friends, boss, coworkers, the cashier at your grocery store or the self-checkout stand all program you. YOU program you.

This isn’t novel. It isn’t a secret. And if you’re

I’m always sitting down, and I’m not angry. If this app is needed, it should be applauded.

I don’t have to prove Black racial bias, because the application is EXCLUSIVELY black, therefore it is racially biased towards black people. If you disagree, you don’t understand what “biased” means.

At what point did I say I was

Here’s a helpful reminder that what people do in their private time is none of your damn business.

It’s not safe to eat lunch meat with a metallic sheen, but it’s no less safe than eating lunch meat without a metallic sheen.

I don’t understand this... I was never allowed in my parent’s room. It wasn’t an issue of “it’s not fun so I don’t want to go in there”. It was THEIR room, not ours. I don’t let anyone but my wife in my bedroom... and sometimes I only let her in begrudgingly XD.

And to keep them out of your bed, lock your door. If they