
Heh, better sell your Tesla stock before he does! Almost 20 million shares being dumped is not gonna do the stock price any favors.

7 million, not 7%.  It’s “only” 4.5%

“Can’t”. For many, it’s not a priority. I know someone who routinely travels and pays to play softball but “can’t” buy food to feed themselves in the same month. They make having fun a priority instead of their responsibilities.

I’m sure there are a good number of people who fell on hard times, but I would be surprised

... So, he doesn’t understand ‘dickhead’, but you think he’ll understand colloquialism?

Maybe you shouldn’t be shitting on Republican voters ;) 

You can have my lawn when you bury my cold dead fingers under it!

This is what happens when you allow people to choose their character’s gender! Remember, it was Mario BROS, Pac MAN, Mega MAN. Sure, we thought it was a good idea to put gurls as lead characters in games, but notice they all had 3rd person cameras? It’s all about the eye candy, but chicks don’t get that. They feel all

Despite what liberals want you to believe, men and women are different. Women are FAR less likely to commit violent crimes, so it stands to reason that mentally ill women would be far less likely to be mass shooters.

So, if gun control doesn’t work in Chicago because guns come from outside Chicago and it doesn’t work

In 2014, a man with a knife killed 33 people and injured 130 more in a train station in China. Granted, it’s a lot more densely populated than a school, but you can still do a lot of damage with one.

So, let’s say that this guy walked into a school with a knife, and he’s not very good or he gets stopped early and only

The largest school massacre in US history was committed with a bomb. For the largest mass murder in US history, the assailants used a pair of planes.

How would any gun regulation saved those people?

If this guy couldn’t have gotten a hold of a gun legally, do you honestly believe he would have just given up? Or would he

From 1993 to 2013, gun ownership has increased 56%. At the same time, gun violence has decreased 49%.

Most gun crimes are committed using small guns. Very few are committed using rifles... In fact, last I checked, more people were killed per year with blunt instruments like hammers and shovels than ‘assault’ rifles.


This is totally awesome, but it raises a LOT of questions.

Your use of the word ‘mansplanation’ betrays your bias.

No, the author is making assumptions about how something is used

Yeah, not quite on the same level. Think about it from an evolutionary standpoint. Sex for a cavewoman is potentially a very long term commitment. It was beneficial for women to be pretty particular about who they slept with, so their libido is tempered accordingly.

For cavemen, the end goal (from an evolutionary

Entitled? Entitled to what? Not be ashamed of our sexuality? I have no interest in a sex doll (I’d feel kinda silly using it and pretending it were a real woman), but there’s nothing inherently WRONG with using it.

And no, I didn’t read the entire article. It was clear from about the 5th paragraph that the author’s

Yeah, that’s a pretty typical take from a woman. I get it. Part of the fun of sex is sharing the enjoyment with your partner.

But sex isn’t always about that for guys. Our libido demands attention and sometimes we’re not into it, so it’s just utilitarian sex and involving a partner is just a lot of hassle with no real

You smell that? That’s a whiff of freedom, my dudes!

It’s super infectious and yet I haven’t had the flu in nearly 30 years. My son got it a few years back, but no one else in the house did.

Seems to me that people may be shedding viruses like crazy, but it takes some pretty extraordinary effort to actually take those viruses in. Simply breathing in the same room as

Well, obviously. But if we were 4ft closer or 4ft further away at perihelion or aphelion we’d be frozen toast.

Privacy is an illusion. And in a perfect world, you wouldn’t care who had your data since it’s a perfect world and everyone is altruistic ;)

Realistically, I suspect we’re going to “opt in” to data collection in the future. So we’ll eventually have profiles about what we enjoy and what we’re interested in that we’ve