
I agree that Max was way underutilized. There was SO much potential there that I didn’t see in Barb. I still don’t understand why El was mad at her in the gym or when they first met. I know BBC, but it’s not like Mike was even enjoying the interaction in the gym... you’d have to be super paranoid to think that your

Phytate being an anti-nutrient has been debunked. Yes, it affects absorption if you don’t consume it regularly, but after about 2 weeks your body adapts and absorption rates come back up to normal. So, for people who eat whole plants every day, it’s not an issue.

I was disappointed by Bob’s death. Not surprised in the least (it was a call back to Jurassic Park, so you know he had to die), but disappointed. As a stepdad, I was hoping that he’d end up being the reluctant hero ala Sigourney Weaver in Aliens - “Get away from her, you bitch!”

He still ended up being a hero, but not

Look, I don’t want to sound like the heartless person I am, but this is ACTUALLY a good thing. The WLM losers have outed themselves. They can no longer claim that they’re anything other than hateful racist scum.

I’m all for a person’s right to want ‘racial purity’ (whatever that means. Why, there isn’t a white person

I can confidently say that all black people like watermelon and fried chicken. I KNOW I can confidently say this because EVERYONE likes watermelon and fried chicken!

Watermelon... it’s, like, the perfect food! It’s sweet, has nothing that can get stuck in your teeth, it’s easy to chew, it’s juicy but the juices are

I’m not excusing his behavior because everyone has a right to not be touched if they don’t want to be (I’ve slugged people for less-intimate uninvited contact than alleged in the article), but the dude is 93 years old.

When he was coming of age, there were kissing booths at school. Fairs employed skirt blowers to lift

We’re not talking about conversations prior to release. We’re not talking about the cast. The OP didn’t even mention a woman in their comment.

We can debate whether GB2016 is good or not... UNLESS feminists step up and reduce every criticism to an attack on women. Saying “That’s sexist!” immediately ends/derails

And this is why no one listens to feminists. You’re taking legitimate complaints about writing, directing and out-dated special effects and reducing them to an attack on women. If the same statement had been made about The Expendables, would you have reacted the same way?

Not everything is about the patriarchy.

When it all comes down to it, everyone is racist. Everyone has preconceptions about others based on their appearance (which can include things other than race) because that’s how the human brain works. We categorize things. This helps, for example, when we see a lion creeping up on us. We use our stereotype of lions

“Captain Pedantic”
Commander, actually. 

Psssh, nothing JB Weld and a beer can can’t fix!

The fault lies entirely on the tailgater. If that had been a legitimate brake rather than a brake check, the results would have been the same. The tailgater was following too closely (looks like less than a car length at highway speed?), overreacted, over-corrected and caused the accident completely.

I only bring up protein because you mentioned it a couple times. As I said, it’s not a nutrient of concern. You’ll get enough as long as you get enough calories and don’t eat nothing but junk food.

The only thing meat has (that we need) that plants don’t is B12. The animals don’t produce it. It’s a bacterial

Most of our farmland is being used to grow animal feed. So, if we stopped growing animals for food, all of that farmland would be available to grow food for people. Feeding a pound of grain/soy to a chicken doesn’t result in a pound of chicken. It’s closer to half a pound of chicken. And that’s not half a pound of

If you consider the whole environmental cost of meat production, not just the cows themselves, livestock accounts for about 40% of our greenhouse gasses. So reducing that even by half would have an immense impact. And if you include the benefit of eliminating half of the non-greenhouse pollution and the public health

Motorcycles were slated to be in the first movie, but on the day of filming their scene they stayed home because they were two tired.

You don’t need to give it up. If we dropped back down pre-industrial levels of meat consumption (which are pretty normal), we’d cut emissions by 80%.

I think the calmness works for this. Makes him seem more psychopathic. On a side note, cosplayers rejoice! Pretty sure everything in that getup is available at home depot!