
So... parents aren’t concerned about cognition or over-all quality of life? Just suicide/murder? You don’t have to have CTE. ONE concussion can cause permanent brain damage, which can affect your ability to live the life you’re supposed to.

Why parents allow their children to bash their skulls into other people’s

Maybe I’m horrible for saying so (or maybe I’m horrible regardless), but wouldn’t an amputee be an ideal stuntperson? I mean, if something goes wrong, you can only break ONE leg. As far as insurance goes, that’s a huge benefit, right?

So we’re looking for a device that can covertly take people up into a plane and mess with the pressure. OR they could like build a temporary pressure vessel around the embassy every night. That’s probably easier to pull off because you don’t have to try to carry sleeping people around on your tiptoes so they don’t

This sounds like mass hysteria. If there is nothing known that could cause such symptoms and there has been no evidence recovered from the scene, it’s likely that these incidents are unrelated to each other and people are simply grouping them together because they perceive their environment to be hostile.

I mean,

The desert has shrubbery. Dry, brown, ugly shrubbery, but all the better to burn.

So does that mean that it is price gouging to sell bottles of water for $1.80 normally? The per-unit price didn’t change, so if they weren’t gouging last month, they aren’t now.

I’m against price gouging, but it’s supply and demand. If they price these cases at $4 instead of $20 and people decide they should stock

First hurricane in the area in 9 years. “LOOK! GLOBAL WARMING!”

You need to stop cherry picking data and remember the mantra “Weather isn’t climate”. From 1996 to 2005, there was an average of 8.2 hurricanes and 4 major hurricanes per year, and the average ACE was 151.5. From 2006 to 2015, there was an average of

I honestly don’t think I can legitimately answer that question. I don’t feel at all guilty when I eat garbage. I enjoy it and I don’t really care what the world thinks about my appearance. So it’s not like my self-esteem is taking a hit because of my eating habits.

I initially decided to go vegan to lose weight (I

Proof yet again that 80's synth metal is pinnacle achievement of man kind.

It’s very sad that people who abuse their bodies with things like meth and opioids are shunned and people who abuse their bodies with things like steroids are raised up on a pedestal.

People who do this kind of thing are mentally ill. You may see it as a constant push to improve, but it’s really just another aspect of

What can we do to help? Besides cheer from the sidelines, that is :)

Well that was cheery.... I’d totally watch a full-length film set in that world. Easily as engaging as any blockbuster title out there.

Damn, she’s cute! Also, I could never be a girl. I mean, that looks relatively easy to do, but I get pissed when I actually have to do like... anything to my hair in the AM. #BaldIsBeautifulButImReallyJustLazy

On a more topical note, I didn’t know there were categories of hair! And would her hair naturally be all

Maybe it’s just that history’s science is already filtered for us? If you look at nutritional studies specifically, there is so much corruption, bias and bad design, it’s enough to make you sick. If you look at the best of the best, absolutely the science is top-notch. But even the run-of-the-mill average study is

One thing I struggled with since I was a teen was when I try to stretch my hamstrings, I had pain behind my knees before I ever got to stretching the muscle. Turned out to be a nerve constriction, so if you run into similar problems, do a google search for ‘nerve flossing’... I know, stupid name, but it works really

Doh! Missed that. I read that it had the same calories... and that’s it.

That’s what’s wrong with ‘science’ today! People can’t read!

NINE people over FIVE days? Why even bother??? And unless the placebo had the same macronutrients, the study is worthless. If you give someone a drink with fiber in it and one without, OF COURSE the one with the fiber will feel more sated. Has nothing to do with walnuts.

This is what’s wrong with ‘science’ today.

NK is the Cowardly Lion of Oz. Sure, they have teeth and claws, but all they’re capable of doing is dancing around saying “Put ‘em up! Put ‘em up!”

China has already told them they’re alone if they attack the US. Without China, any attack on the US (or any UN nation for that matter) will be the end of this regime...

LOL, you’re all sorts of fired up tonight.

So an Asian character was played by a white actor. Would you be all butt hurt if the Asian character was played by a black actor? What about a Hispanic actor?

What about the other way around? Should we be angry if a white character is played by another race? If the

Come on, Beth. Rice is very different from quinoa because quinoa tastes like someone forgot to clean up after the dog before mowing the lawn.