Imagine if he had put the same effort into something valuable... maybe getting a job or learning a skill!
Imagine if he had put the same effort into something valuable... maybe getting a job or learning a skill!
So this must be specific to a town or state.. It isn’t true where I live.
I suppose this would be the wrong area to say that you shouldn’t waste good cookies on nasty pie crust? If pie crust were edible in the first place, you wouldn’t have to spike it with something edible.
Did you know that pie crusts were originally sacrificial coverings over food? If you were travelling, you’d make a…
“Hayao Miyazaki is still a fracking genius who won’t compromise his bad ass vision to spare the feelings of slacking artists.”
There, fixed that for you :)
If all that was required was to eat fewer calories, everyone who tried to diet would be skinny. Millions of people eat fewer calories, then they lose a little fat, their bodies freak out and kick their hunger into overdrive and they binge until the weight comes back on.
You have to address WHY people are overeating. …
Depends on how you do it. Maybe that statement is true for all diets?
So, how would you propose we identify someone as non-straight in the context of a battle?
Someone’s salty! The DNC caused this victory when they campaigned against one of their own. Bernie would have eaten Trump alive.
You want to be pissed off, be pissed off at the DNC for being corrupt. Be pissed off at Hillary for exercising horrible judgement, repeatedly and without remorse. Be pissed off at…
And again, what’s important to most people isn’t necessarily accuracy as interpretation. This is why you can have gender bends and mashups. You can be any cosplay character regardless of what you look like. It is fantasy after all.
You’re simplifying things too much. Saying you can overcome innate instincts such as…
To me, cosplay is about your interpretation of the character. I know this is a huge controversy in the community, but there’s no reason why your body type has to have any bearing on your costume.
On the topic of getting in shape, I get the impression you have no idea what that entails. (Hitting the gym isn’t it, btw)…
The cabinet is like a weird mashup of 80's and 90's.. It’s like someone in the 90's was trying to go for an 80's look.... And the song feel like it was trying to go modern retro too. So bizarre.
How does one go about being a craven idiot?
Speaking of craven behavior, one of the most cowardly things to do on the internet is to criticize, then bounce. You bashed my position, but didn’t give one of your own. One can only assume that you don’t HAVE a position, your position is too weak or morally reprehensible…
$4 for an order of fries???
You know, you can buy 10 pounds of the stuff fries are made of for $4. Maybe if it didn’t take 5 guys to make them, they’d give you more for less money!
It’s more relevant that it appears on the surface.... Leia’s sole claim to power is through her family. In her mind, she should rule because it’s ‘her turn’. Jabba is a businessman. He got where he is because of merit.
And before you go all ‘small million dollar loan’ on me, remember that 70% of lottery winners are…
I don’t know why they’re asking for comments on this... I mean, why can’t we just use the definition of healthy instead of making up a special designation for food? (I know the answer is ‘the food lobby’)
Healthy food would be food that is conducive to good health. That means it would absolutely not be detrimental to…
Except for (potentially) Twitch’s reputation. They have to draw a line somewhere. If they started allowing adult content, it would soon overflow with it and it would likely have destroyed their business.
The line must be drawn here. This far. No farther.
This is probably a step in the right direction, but still doesn’t solve the issue. I’m perfectly fine with ads as long as they aren’t horribly intrusive (pre-roll on videos, for example) and/or they are relevant to my interests.
The question is who does the ad serve? In most cases, the answer is always the people…
You misunderstand. I’m not wanting people to cater to anything. I simply stated that I appreciate those who are considerate enough to think about the health, safety and comfort of those around them. I’m not trying to mandate that you walk around naked so your feline filth doesn’t cause a person severe distress for…
Which is why I am grateful that people exist who believe their vanity is less important than my ability to breathe... The existence of those so self-centered that they’re willing to hospitalize others so they can feel good about the way they smell makes the considerate ones much more valuable.
There is a big difference between not doing something because it might irritate the sensibilities of someone else and not doing something because it might irritate the medical condition of someone else.
A great many fragrances set off my asthma. I’m very grateful that people who love to wear perfume don’t do so in…