
I think the tweet should be ‘former lineman’...

On a side note, I think I’d petition my college to change it’s name if the accepted abbreviation was M. T. Sac

... though I’m not sure any of the students would have the balls to engage in anything so confrontational.

if you make bread more than once per week, there is no substitute for the real deal. You can kinda kickstart your starter with commercial yeast, but growing your local stuff from the start will give you the best results overall.. it’s not as hard as people make it out to be. Just need a couple of large containers,

The simple and geeky way to fix this is to embed magnets into your skull behind your ears, then make sure you get ferrous frames. Makes clean-up after being on the beach a little harder, but we’re geeks... we’re not going to be on the beach very often ;)

“Experienced cyclists have a few tricks to keep those downhill rides safe, even when they’re blazingly fast.”

So, what I hear you saying is that you DON’T follow pro cycling? :)

The best advice I’ve seen is related to the weight-on-you-feet thing, which is to steer with your lower body/hips rather than your hands...

Sounds like we need a new type of pan to make this possible and still make it look like a traditional cheese cake.

About freakin’ time!

‘Extended periods of time’? Depends on how you define that. 2 hours is enough for BAT growth, not just activation. 2 hours for 6 weeks nearly doubles BAT activity (that is, number of calories burned)

All of the studies I have seen have shown full BAT activation and growth at about 60-65 degrees. It’s not like you have to go swimming in a vat of ice water. For most people in the northern US, that’s early/late summer at night.

You’re probably on the ‘right’ side of the internet, then... Fitness and health sites drudge it up several times a year claiming it’s the holy grail of weight loss. I’ve lived in cold climates... not an abundance of skinny people ;)

People seem to forget that your body’s job is to keep you alive and if you burn more

My point is that, beyond movement and vasoconstriction, the adult body has very little capacity to handle the cold. Brown fat doesn’t make a huge difference and is certainly not going to burn 90% of the calories a person consumes. It creates noticeable heat when activated, but its significance has been highly

Or bacon?

For the hands going numb, it may also be back position. If your upper back is arched, your handlebars are effectively farther away. I don’t know if this affects anyone but me, but there it is ;)

You can use it to make mozzarella too.

No, there are no normal people at the Olympics, but the games are separated by gender for a reason. You’re not looking for the best of the best (it will almost always be a man). You’re looking for the best of the best within a class.

If a person has testosterone levels that are impossible for a woman to have (by virtue

Being anti-Trump is understandable, but Ivanka isn’t Donald. This would be like slamming Chelsea Clinton because her father is a serial sexual harasser/womanizer or her mother being an unlikable harpy.

I don’t see this as a slam, either. Ivanka wasn’t affected by it at all. The profits on an $84 ear cuff won’t even

No Man’s Sky is the same as life - Grind a few rocks, cut down a few trees so you can earn some space skrilla and repeat the process.

My only real disappointment is that grenades don’t allow you to mine those enormous chunks of gold and emeril faster than your mining beam. Just ones and twos? It’s a freaking grenade!

It’s more than a gross exaggeration. It’s effectively false. Adults don’t have any (good) ability to generate heat to keep themselves warm except by shivering. Your body’s normal functions generate all the heat you need and if it’s cold outside, your body just constricts the blood vessels in your skin to retain heat.


I’m not sure I believe the “don’t rest your hand on the shifter” bit. I’ve been doing this for 11 years and 130k miles... The only obvious wear is the engraved gear diagram on the top of the shifter (which actually may have just melted instead of being worn off. It does get rather hot in the summer)

Did she just deride women-pandering sports organizations after returning from and complimenting a women-pandering sports conference?

Ah, never mind. We can all agree that sportsing is awesome. Everyone likes to sports. Heck, this one time, I was thinking about sportsing while watching the game match on TV and sportsing

Considering you can make plastic out of milk and the process is about the same process as making mozzarella, I wonder if all cheese is plastic. After all, it behaves quite like plastic in that it becomes semi-liquid when heated, then solidifies again at lower temperatures.