
"Looking like a Goldfinger victim and featuring more angles than a Vegas grifter, "

What articles?

The Billionaire next door. Good on him.

Stiff penalty?

Its a 2006 M5

'Oh, also, the hot dogs at Citi Field tasted like ass." The man has a point. How can a franchise fuck up the second biggest reason to go to a ball game? Oh. Right. Mets.

"but are the strollers so high-tech that they can go up typical Brownstown staircases?" Yes, and the name of this ubiquitous Park Slope must have technology that saves mom's such stress and strain is ..... The Nanny.

Drifting is the Professional Wrestling of Motor Sports.

Top 30 guard Demetrius Jackson has committed/will commit to #KentStateGoldenFlashes.

Simpsons? Is there a Nursing Home for animated TV shows?


Better late than never. Lord that thing looks the beans.

What a long strange trip from the days of the Mondial (a 1982 3.2 L putting out 266 hp, @ 0-60 mph 8.4 with a quarter mile 16.9 secs). For all the bitchy Jalop columns of late about poor sales service and burning cars, we are at or near an apex for this brand (and most suprecar brands). You youngsters have no

Police Commissioner Gordon, senile pipe smoking fuck.

Replace the word "bird" with "Dong" and you really would have something there Sean.


Look, Gawker sites and their content are synonymous with opportunistic recapitulations of already newsworthy links. Your expectation of credit is unrealistic – to say the least. These people are not “writers” in any legitimate sense, they are second to second content providers – source be damned.


Betrayal and lost innocence.

EXACTLY RIGHT. Might only be a minor cover-up, or middling cover-up, or a less than extensive cover-up, or a cover-up only in name only, or only cover up-esq, or only cover-up-like. WHOSE TO SAY?