Olympic organizers were distraught at the news as they had already decided to pair Moon with John Bonham.
Olympic organizers were distraught at the news as they had already decided to pair Moon with John Bonham.
Keeping Phin un-(re) starred is vindictive at this point.
Your just restating your thesis. I ask again, how so?
How so?
Weak comment, truly weak. I remember the same vaguely racist shit from critics of lowriders. Thankfully, Car culture is broad enough for every conceivably variation/modification of vehicles. And , FWIW, this is not Matt's greatest post either.
This just in — Jalopnik editors is still smarting from being snubbed by Lotus at car show, trolls them to death. Video at 11:00.
A Dealership will sell a car a despised dictator a serial murderer even a man n cardiac arrest if he has the cash.
Kill the head and the body will die — a fairly unique way of motivating football team by channeling Hunter S. Thompson. Whatever works.
@ Tommy Five: Amen. That said, Jalopnik may not be the best venue for thoughtful art criticism.
that or a tour guide at the Château de Versailles
Feel free to give up on someone unwilling to swallow the self-congratulatory media tour wherein Haney nakedly clings Remorrah-like to Tiger's neck. If only most radio interviews were this candid.....
I heard it live and he was shocking tenacious. Every deflection and evasion by Haney was met with incredulity or outright fury. If only political pundits had the same balls.
Bravo for this series. Really
Seriously Ray, you come off as oddly thin skinned and defensive here. It revealed itself before with the Lotus snub and subsequent posts. You have the leading auto blog going. Chill out.
The early Cromodora wheels, if in perfect nick, are worth about 2K. So the whole car is worth about 3-3.5K
Heart Breaking? More like heart pumping; its simply an amazing sight while stuck in traffic on the West Side Highway to see the business end of that Blackbird looming above.
Not in the Jalopnik/Gawker universe.
Bowlers and Brogues, more like Alex DeLarge at the Milkbar.
If resale prices are any indication, its considered the worst by far.
(In)justice For All