
"fair, ladies" Ha! I saw what you did there. Brilliant write up.

"Sadly it's the only way this guy can excite a (possibly intoxicated) woman. Looks like a typical audi douche. "

Yes, but won't someone think of the children.

They will offer it to us if we buy it: unfortunately no one bought the V70R and it disappeared. When it comes to Swedish super sleds, we are our own worst enemy.

47 minutes of brilliance.

@porsche9146: What price credibility, especially for an auction house. That is the question for Barrett. Selling a car with such a dubious provenance tarnishes the credibility for them in connection with every other one of their auctions. It was a shameless and reckless move — pride goes before the fall.

@Eriamjh: Idiotic. A perfect example as to why Jalopnik needs a Comment Ninja like Deadspin. Lord.

@verdegrrl: In the North East, Spiders were/are fairly rare due to — among other things — salted roads (and since they commenced to seriously rust as soon as they drove off the lot). Hence very few capable/qualified mechanics or useful parts cars around.

@verdegrrl: I was referring to trim pieces mostly — and some performance pieces (Shankle, etc.). I think the word "unobtanium" was first used in regular parlance by frustrated Alfiti.

@verdegrrl: I know. And thank the lord for the advent of eBay. Pre-eBay getting parts was an experience similar to that of changing the right side motor mount on a Spider — which is to say virtually impossible, involved a lot of cursing and usually ended in tears.

Alfa owners are iconoclastic and delusional masochists.

Ugh. Reflexive contrarianism. It's painful to read someone who thinks shooting fish in a barrel is tantamount to an interesting opinion. Let's just hope this will not become the views of Jalopnik.

Conspicuous by their omission: Ivan Putski and his Polish Hammer, as well as Hymie Slibowitz and his Hebrew Haymaker

@UDMan: Fairly obvious: It's at once a sign of insecurity and pride. My guess is it's refreshing for that writer to be identified with automobile culture – anglophilic no less — as opposed to that of the craven Hollywood mogul milieu or wall street scoundrel. As this Jew car aficionado can attest, good luck

"Our research shows that nearly 40 percent of potential new car buyers are staying out of the market specifically due to uncertainty around future gas prices,"

Perhaps a bit more warning next time ...how the f*ck can one blow a speaker on a computer.

Truly concours condition; it's my understanding that this is supposed to be a 100 Points car..................

Too Cool; makes the Gallardo look as boring and buttoned up as an Audi. Oh wait....