
Long Island Expressway on any given Friday @ 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. between June 1 and September 1. You might as well jog than drive if you want to get anywhere.

Lose your car based on hearsay? WTF!

If it was on a Ferrari 430, people would be pissing themselves over it. Go figure.

Primer isn't paint, it's prep.

The car looked great; this despite the video production quality consistent with some creepy uncle's Super 8 movie of a girl's softball game. Go General!

Best? A small bag of what appeared at first to be oregano wedged behind a speaker hole on a passenger side door for a 74 Alfa Spider. Bonus: door was rust free as well.

Useless clown yellow jumpsuit: Check

Europa! Day made.

What the fuck is that god damn 928 still doing in the Garage? They are worth less than a high mileage two year old Camry.

Is it too late to nominate the GMC Caballero Diablo?


A magnum of Pink Champale and Hanna Montana in a mini.

Quietly praying that this is simply an issue with my monitor.

More Danica in white, less neo-muscle cars in orange.