If they can produce this they can produce a Shooting Brake. One can dream.
Behold BMW's advanced technological prowess on display; they now weigh more than a mid nineties Sedan Deville.
Yup, an 80's Vette alright.........
Cliche pastiche; Starter button, raised leather stitching, led dash circa 1984, and chrome cup-holders. Lord!
The problem is that these are still available ...
Since I am not actually paying for the damn thing, Yes.
Earth to Hyundai: It's called a steadicam.
Looks like it's time to take another spin through the convention hall, eh?
Engine wiring by Coolio.
80K is for the compressed air driven version me thinks.
More pics please.
The last time "Limited Edition" badging that blatantly cheesy was glued to a dash was in a Bill Blass Continental.
The Bulgarian judge gives it n 8.9.