I went to school with her! She was most definitely NOT paid to be there, she did however *ignore* the speech and continue to read Citizen very blatantly- on purpose.
I went to school with her! She was most definitely NOT paid to be there, she did however *ignore* the speech and continue to read Citizen very blatantly- on purpose.
I wonder if her presence was a passive-aggressive protest.
Same... also coincidence that there are 3 (three!!) black people right behind him. My money is on them being the only ones there. And that it was a paid gig.
I was volunteering on election day in my state for the Democrats and the Republicans had hired black people to campaign for their candidates at the polling places. The woman at mine didn’t give a fuck and sat on a camp chair texting the whole time.
They’re not just bored, they’re pissed.
My parents made me play softball in the summer when I was in junior high. I had a paperback tucked into my jeans pocket and would read it when in the lonely wilds of whatever field I was playing in. Left? Right? Center? I don’t remember.
I noticed there were more than a few people obviously not giving a shit about his “speech”.
AND he reached right across a whole other person to do it, as if the guy wasn’t even there!
I just watched the video over and over again for like the tenth time and holy shit do I love this woman.
She looks like another victim of The Great Fucks Famine of 2015.
Not only are they not reacting but if you look again it’s a perfect mixture of ethnicities - that can’t be a natural occurrence.
I assume paid. Certainly not the first time he’s had to pay a crowd to get people to show up. I hope she got paid.
Def paid participants. . .
I hope more than anything ever in my life that she was paid to be there. Not only because that means Trump has to pay people to make him look like he has diverse support but also because she was paid to give zero fucks and read her book. Can she start a book club? Can we pay her to sit and read during all the GOP…
<3 for this lady. A woman after my own heart - not rain, nor sleet, nor hail, nor bigoted idiots will keep me from my book.
Watching it the fifth time (because yes), I noticed that a bunch of people right behind him aren’t reacting to his speech. Paid plants? Forced to be there by their employers? I’m so curious now...
I aspire to this woman’s greatness. And seriously, the stones on that guy who tapped her shoulder... She was reading a fucking book, not watching a slew of YouTube videos on her phone without earbuds. It in no way impacted you, pretentious white dude.
Eli? Lame. Why not “Joseph,” “Straight Shooter,” “Mack” (as in, the knife) or “Nyquil”?
they are setting up a daredevil/JJ crossover SO HARD