I mean, it was her lived experience and she thought it was funny. That doesn’t cover what happened to Jess and Jarrett, but i do think Zola has the right to laugh at her own experience.
I mean, it was her lived experience and she thought it was funny. That doesn’t cover what happened to Jess and Jarrett, but i do think Zola has the right to laugh at her own experience.
I figure it’s not my call to second-guess what elements of her own life are tragedy or comedy. She found it funny and so she wrote it that way.
The funny thing is, if this does become a movie, it will revolve around Jess and the white dude.
Ugh, I get that she was an amusing storyteller, but I don’t understand how anyone could read that story about violent sex trafficking and a mentally ill-person self-harming and attempting suicide and come away entertained. The whole thing was pretty fucking disturbing.
I have zero love for Kim Kardashian but the slut stuff pisses me off so much. Pretty much every single person who hates on her for it watches porn. They just want the women in the movies(here it was one time with her boyfriend) they watch and enjoy to be shamed, unsuccessful and miserable their entire lives? Because,…
I don’t know if I’m just feeling argumentative today, or if it’s just because I always try to play devil’s advocate, but I was sitting here racking my brain trying to think of a good reason for what they actually meant by “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”. It’s been about 10 minutes of non-stop brainstorming…
It sounds as if she repeatedly tried to help this man and his family when he was a child, but he dropped out of the two private schools for which she paid the tuition. That’s very different from his claim (funded and probably scripted by the National Enquirer) that she tried to adopt him and then abandoned him, so…
She's feeding a parasite with it.
I’ll say it again: Feminism without intersectionality is just various shades of bigotry.
Granted, this is referring to the US and not the UK.
How would refusing to have Greer as a speaker “drown out the right to free speech”?
Hillary having adopted ‘Roar’ as one of her go-to anthems on the campaign trail.
logo is so ugly.
Conceptually I get it, but somebody really has to fix that logo!
Ok, for the first one, aan appropriately employed grumpy cat meme would have said “No.”
When you google image-search “Obama grumpy cat,” a whole heck of a lot of terrrrrrible try-hard memes come up.
He’s so repulsive. Like seriously, I hope for a day when women stop boning asshats like him.
I mean really;
“She like to f**k* me, s**k me, s**k then f**k me / I’m the ice cream man, she chunky monkey,