Before people start in on knowing how much they make before I made it my major, shut the fuck up.
Before people start in on knowing how much they make before I made it my major, shut the fuck up.
You forgot to put “job creators” in quotes.
Accurate. I made more working in retail than I did as a preschool teacher.
I’m sorry, but you can’t pay a millenial anything decent, because they’ll just spend it on artisinal mayonnaise, vinyl copies of 90s albums, rainbow flag bandannas, and marihuana cigarettes.
That fb post is annoying and epic eye-roll worthy.
This was my thought re: good hair.
Uh, did you actually watch Good Hair?
I actually thought (2) was the real crux of the joke. As Rock was saying in the monologue about having bigger problems. The observation that people jump to complain about the characterization of Asians as good at math while ignoring that they are contributing to child labor is appropriate.
It’s not that we’re looking for stuff to be offended by, it’s that everyday people we have to deal with look at us through these stereotypes instead of as human fucking beings which is at least very annoying or at worst deadly ( e.g. stereotypes about blacks influence how they are treated by police)
Chris Rock was a good choice to address the issue of race. Chris Rock was a lousy choice if the aim was for nobody to come away offended. He’s never been a paragon of progressive comedy.
And he got so mad too!!! So mad that the other boy was maybe standing where he was supposed to stand.
Estie’s mother needs her ass kicked...fame is a hellvua drug.
So which is the fishy thing? That he made a clock, that the story got picked up by the national media after the Dallas Morning News published it, that they decided to move to Qatar after having a particularly bad experience in the state of Texas, or that the 16yo kid doesn’t take media interviews without his parents?
They didn’t believe that clock was a bomb for even a minute, though. They snapped pictures of it, posed around the thing, didn’t evacuate the school, and sent the kid to the principal’s office. You don’t send a bomber to get a stern talking-to.
Wow. The Secret Service continues its “fuck all y’all” tour.
It’s safe to say that the audience...
I laughed my ass off. That someone thought to do it and that she agreed to it.
“Jenner is a ‘secondary reality television personality’ who has received criticism from disability rights groups and African-American communities.”