
He doesn't even work in our office. He just gets to work without pants on, remotely.

Do you have a citation on that first line? Because Slate keeps reporting that we actually have no idea how many citizens are killed by police officers annually, and that police departments like it that way.

amen amen amen amen, you need to stay chill if someone is shooting at you. IF SOMEONE YELLING AT YOU ENRAGES YOU ENOUGH TO KILL YOU ARE NOT FIT FOR THE JOB OF A POLICE OFFICER. nor are you fit for the following

If cops cannot deal with criticism or percieved insults how exactly do they handle drug dealers, gangs, domestic violence calls, drive by shooters? They have no business being cops if they can't deal with words. St Louis cops and especially their union went to meltdown mode over 5 football players with their hands up.

It's time those boys dropped the pretense.

I have to admit, I read this looking for an explaination for this outfit.

Chris Brown and Drake should date

Haha, so true. I worked with a girl who told me how anti-Plan B she was, except for the one time she had to take it. I was like:

I love the quote "I bet you one unplanned pregnancy you're secretly pro-choice."

No, she didn't. She became a fervent supporter of Planned Parenthood, which is funny because before she needed their help, she hated them for "enabling sluts and whores". One of *those* people.

Internet: You should also fuck his sister to get back at him.

Oh shit…I got as far as the fact that he was 14 and she was 37 and…no no no. He didn't have sex with his mother, his mother RAPED him.

This is the entire reason Facebook was created. Fortify yourself with alcohol, search stealthily, and report back.


"Hmm. Well, on one hand, he always takes the garbage out and he has great abs and we both love dogs, but, on the other hand, he's kind of fucking his sister a little bit. What should I do, internet?"

My boyfriend in high school who I thought was the love of my life banged his sister. And she got pregnant.

Well, I'm off to write personalized thank you notes to every guy I've ever dated, because, sure, some of them were selfish or stupid or controlling or still in love with their exes, but at least not a single one of them was a sisterfucker. And, for that, I am grateful.

Sorry Mark, this does not compare to that one time in the comment section you mentioned in passing the Reddit thread of the man who had regular sex with his mother. I read that entire thread, the whole damn thing, and my faith in humanity dropped 50 points.

Gurl. Do we have to tell you to dump a sister fucker?