
Do you honestly think 'Murica is going to get the best and brightest CEOs if we only pay them 48X average worker pay like they do in Socialist Denmark? I'm sure our CEOs are worth AT LEAST 354 times average pay. It's not like they go around crashing our the world economy or that they're having to pay penalties for

What does it look like when she takes off her corset and clothes? Does her waist stay that tiny? If she stopped wearing it for awhile, would her body go back to normal eventually? I have so many questions.

That's why I'm totally ok with a quarantine, but I think the nurse should have been treated like a human being.

It can take up to 21 days for Ebola to present, and I find it really offensive that a DOCTOR to would be opposed to quarantine during that period. Better safe than sorry, folks.

you know what? NO. i have no sympathy for anybody's fragile wittle feelings when the issue is EBOLA.

Serious question: who is paying for all these mandatory quarantines? If in a hospital, who is covering the hospital bills? Who is providing these people at home with food and other supplies? How are they ensuring that the people who live with them are not exposed? Are those people under mandatory quarantine as

How is quarantine a punishment? You have access to everything you could possibly need and you're just limited to human contact. Not having sex for 21 days hasn't killed anybody yet.

Healthcare workers more than anybody else should know the importance of disease protocol to prevent the spreading of disease - especially

As someone who used to do global health work, I have to say, I agree with you here. Look, part of what we do involves exposing ourselves to contagious diseases. The work we do is important, but so is following protocols that are designed to keep communities safe. Should we be thankful for their service? Hell yes! But

This is a misleading headline. A preliminary test was negative - that doesn't mean she's Ebola-free as the incubation period is up to 21 days - hence the quarantine (technically: she may not yet have developed antibodies and the viral load may be too low to detect by PCR).

With so many health workers coming down with Ebola, it seems logical to quarantine those who return. By the way, the test might come back negative, but that doesn't mean she hasn't been exposed; it takes time for enough virus to build up in the system to show up in tests. I don't think they should treat her rudely,

Does any woman here really take 40 mins to get ready in the morning? I've never timed myself but I'm pretty sure that for me its 15 mins max. Maybe less since I got my hair cut.

I was never taught how to do my hair or makeup, so I just... don't. Sometimes I wonder if it's holding me back at work, especially when the other women around me are perfectly groomed and styled. But at the same time, I can get out of bed and out the door in ten minutes flat.

Emma Watson touched on that in her UN talk, and it's why "the patriarchy hurts men too" is not an empty platitude.

There is always someone in the comments section who isn't interested in talking about the subject, they're only interested in complaining that Jezebel isn't the site that they want it to be. It's fascinating to me that there are people who waste their time squawking about how terrible the site is and how they hate

Trolls posting violent porn did that you nitwit.

That's kinda bullshit. They greys had to be re-introduced because of violent porn images. Anyone can say anything they like unless they're actually being disgusting. People do occasionally call people trolls when they're not (disagreement is not trolling people, for the love of christ). Also the approval thing seems

My weapons of choice for handling rejection in high school were Smiths records and overeating.

Misogyny cuts both ways. It harms women and it harms men who aren't taught how to deal with rejection or disappointment, who are told to "act like a man" and who think they are entitled to a woman's affection. They are taught to bottle their feelings because it's "feminine" to discuss them but then we act surprised

There are two things to remember about this tragedy: