
I've said this before: if ebola becomes a serious danger, it will not be because it's unstoppable and we are completelt incapable of dealing with this, but because there are too many fucking morons out there doing what they damn please: riding planes, trying on wedding dresses, going on cruiseships, ignoring high

"He reportedly began to feel "sluggish" on Tuesday of this week"

This is what worries me.

Throw away all of the bowling balls in Brooklyn!!!!!!!

Apparently he copy pasted that message to a ton of women today. Shockingly it didnt end well.

My own mother decided to keep dating a man (and still is!) who had been convicted of child molestation (me being that child) and let me tell you, it's just done *wonders* for the closeness and collective mental health of my family...NOT. WTF is wrong with people. I will never understand choosing a man over your own

So, can all the people who defend Mama June as being a "good mother" STFU now? She took back the molester of her own child family member. When she has a child around the same age.

This is, unfortunately, a common thing. People don't want to believe that someone they like/love/care about would commit such an act. Come on, Mama June. Get it together.

I don't necessarily disagree with any of what you've said — I think she's actually renovating two places? Amner Hall as well as Kensington Palace. From what I understand it's a relatively common thing to renovate and redecorate when you move to a new place (first ladies used to totally re-do the White House each time)

This whole thing makes me want to join a Christian Identity group. They're anti-semites - and, more importantly, an established religious movement - who think that white people are really the chosen people, and that the people who now say they're Jews are evil imposters. Then I want to start a business with a huge

Saying it when you're being interviewed is a very different animal than saying it in a Supreme Court hearing. And it's fine for an individual to make decisions based on their religious beliefs, but it is NOT okay to base governmental policy on an individual's religious beliefs. Which is the Pandora's box that they

I ain't even mad at him for this one, the Hobby Lobby ruling is a fucking disgrace.

Good. I hope a RFRA/Hobby Lobby precedent case with a Muslim makes it all the way to the Supreme Court so that Alito, Scalia, Thomas, Roberts, and Kennedy have to go on the legal record that they believe in Christian dominion over other religions and secularism. And then it will be so nakedly plain that it's

Weeee!!!!! Suck a dick, Scalia. You broke it, you bought it. (I don't know what that means within this particular context, but I do want Scalia to suck a dead whale dick.)

Not quite the future Queen of England - future Princess of Wales thanks to the whole consort thing. If only George had been Georgina! Little girl baby that wasn't would have been the future Queen.

This story is weird. I'd like to know what's really going on but it's honestly none of my damn business. And fuck that nosy ass eyewitness if there actually is one.

And what proof do they even have to charge them?? The witness?? So one witness can just be an ass and call up about some PDA?? Even if there was some under the clothes action I seriously doubt they were full on fucking in a parking lot in the daytime and then finished, dressed and exited the car by the time the police

Personally, I believe her.

benevolent racism

I know the perfect guy.