Lol right! The lengths that people go to to extrapolate her as a bad parent are breathtaking. Citation need, y'all.
Lol right! The lengths that people go to to extrapolate her as a bad parent are breathtaking. Citation need, y'all.
North does not cry and fuss. She stares with disdain.
Why not trust Kim's knowledge of her own child? North seems like a chill baby. Even if she cries, she can be taken out.
Yeah, you'd think Kim was making the child wear a corset, the way people here are talking!
Wait, the fuck is wrong with bringing a baby to a fashion show? Unless fashion shows now involve a lot more violence than I remembered. Don't they usually keep the drugs backstage, for the models?
That high-pitched sound you hear? That was my point, whizzing over the top of your fedora. Too bad Men's Health, Yahoo, and Chris Rock haven't addressed how to take uber-serious, self-important, all-must-worship-my-manhood stick out of your ass. Seriously, you'd be a lot happier. Honestly, feminists don't hate…
So stop having sex with women if you think they're bad in bed. :)
Cool rant, bro. You sound like all kinds of fun.
Yeah, we have no idea about circumcision. Despite the vast numbers of feminists who are against it, myself included. Good god, if you're going to troll at least have the decency to be good at it.
We have prioritized the female sexual experience
You sound like a terrible lay.
No one cares about your boner.
Nope. Wrong. Liberated women are generally enthusiastic about learning more about their bodies and what pleases them, which leads to energetic, experimental, ecstatic sex. Many men, however, don't think sex is anything they should have to work at or learn about, because apparently their Magical Dick Powers just…
maybe all these women who are "crap in bed" are just mirroring the guy they're with....a guy that sucks in bed isn't exactly going to get my peak efforts...great sex takes ex thought I hated sex, but I just hated sex with him....while with others, it's been MUTUALLY more than satisfying....
I'm interested in the research behind "too many women." Is this based purely on your own findings, maybe a casual poll among your bros? Do your/your bros' experience with men find them to be significantly better than women in this area?
Pshaw, he's never fucked a feminist, or else that backwards notion about feminists being bad lays would have flown out the window.
Good to know who that article was for, I suppose. Any chance you wear some kind of warning label?
Gee, I can't imagine why you're not having enjoyable sexual experiences with women. Maybe few of them have the patience or stamina to spend hours trying to placate a shrieking manbaby. It's hard to get creative in bed when you're exhausted, or constantly worrying that you didn't do something exactly right. If you…
yaaa its all about your dick only
You're right, they are halfway decent tips, as long as you're not trying to have sex with a woman.