Your face in this photo is the best thing.
Your face in this photo is the best thing.
OMFG SO JEALOUS!!!! ACK! *royal squeeeees but silent cause I'm in the library"
This picture makes my lady loins all a-tingle!!! Damn he is FIONE.
So let me get this straight, you got pregnant when he touched you with his magical ginger hands? Like a royal mind baby? Because I'm going to ignore everything else you said and just go with that. Also, tell your hubby thank you for his service!
I met Prince Harry. And touched him. And had a picture made. He smiled, laughed, and talked. I nearly pushed my husband off the bench so there would be room between us.
Backstory: May 2013 His Royal Hotness came to Walter Reed-Bethesda to visit wounded warriors. Since my dream man is one (war sucks, umkay), we got the…
A ginger hammer we can love.
Amazingly enough, that wasn't deliberate. I literally could not find a useable picture of him NOT wearing a bandanna through Getty or AP.
Durags/Du-rags/Do-rags are pretty much exclusively worn by black men to encourage a wave pattern in closely cropped hair.
So basically, no one dressed like a 1998 rap video. It's weird because all of the people they think they are targeting dress in too small, women's clothes.
"Hi, yeah, I'm just calling to confirm that I'm getting a check for 94 million dollars that I'm obtaining totally legally. Yes, I'll hold. Okay. I'll wait while you transfer me. Hi, yeah, I'm calling about my check for 94 million dollars that isn't at all one bit suspicious. Oh you're not gonna mail it? Okay, so I can…
Letter Writer #2:
Not to mention that I get the vibe that if this woman did eventually work outside the home, he'd say that he couldn't "really" see himself being with a "career woman". Go on and just do you, lady, and find the emotional support you need even if you have to pay for it. You'll be OK!
Um, the second letter writer's guy is a piece of shit. Caring for someone with ALS is spectacularly and singularly difficult, physically and emotionally. Never waste another minute of your life interacting with that man, and do look into a visiting nurse. You need time for yourself, whether it feels like it or not.
like my mama says, they're just jealous. They wish he would spend a second on them and they know he never will so they insult any way they can. It's pathetic.
I will never understand the absolute disdain for black people so many assholes have. WHAT. IS. YOUR. FUCKING. PROBLEM.
Two questions. How is he not in pain and where did it go? Where did it GO?
Somehow, I don't think that question was about the identity of the wearer of the VAGINA MAKER.
That's Eric (I think that is his name) and he has been with Koala Swim SINCE THE BEGINNING. I first saw him in one of their ads in the 90s. He has not aged well, but would still do.