
lmao you seem really stupid. 

I’m starting to think you didn’t actually watch the movie.

Pardon the repeat from last year, it’s my only weird experience.

Howard is the Skyler of this series, minus the misogyny. His actions are more reasonable than most people in his position would be. 

Nah, I can’t help but think there’s no bittersweet ending anymore. As “Gene” I think Jimmy/Saul is working in the same mall that’s from the Kim flashback hoping that one day despite the “vacuuming” he thinks she’s had she’ll walk through the door when in reality, just like Lalo and Nacho, she’ll be dead and he just

Honestly, do they deserve a happy reunion after this episode? They’re not not really a healthy couple anymore and while we all know Jimmy gets his karmic comeuppance, Kim definitely needs some to

As amusing as it is to scoff at clueless Howard and his “NAMAST3" license plate, he’s been coming across as a far more sympathetic figure than Kim or Jimmy. Even if he’s motivated mostly by guilt, I give him credit for suffering property damage and public embarrassment at Jimmy’s hands and still being willing to hire

I agree, this is a significant detail. Kim and Jimmy have justified their war on Howard by saying he’ll only suffer a “career setback.” They see their actions as affecting only his professional life. But there’s a real possibility that their shenanigans will end up breaking Howard’s (already strained) marriage. If

I think Ms. Seehorn’s direction may have tricked both the reviewer and most viewers, because Howard mentioning his wife is purposely played as something insignificant in the opening scene and it only gets a passing mention in this review. However, I’m pretty sure this is the first time we find out that Howard actually

I wonder if there are subtle references to Shakespearean tragedy in this episode? “Sterner stuff” is from Julius Caesar (“Ambition should be made of sterner stuff.”) And Kim is wearing earrings shaped like daggers, which made me think of Macbeth (another tragedy with ambition as a theme). Both plays involve

Who else thought for a second that Noho Hank showed up in the car following Kim?

My gut feeling since season 1 has always been that Kim doesn’t die, but I also have never bought into the notion that she’s hanging just off camera throughout Breaking Bad. Especially given what’s unfolded this season and last, my guess is that she has to skip town for some yet unforseen reason (maybe involving their

Yes. I was rooting hard for him to take down the Salamancas on that final trip to the compound.

Michael Mando’s great. A fellow Montreal boy, went to the same college as me.

I know how Kim’s story’s going to go: she’s going to go to prison, then in the future, Saul will hook up with her upon her release and they’ll skip off into the sunset happily ever after. You heard it here first, gang.

I saw the trailer for this and the second she started playing Respect fully formed I burst out laughing in the theater.