Powers for Good

Oh I absolutely believe this was emergency patchwork, but now the best 2 episodes of this series have had either zero or seventy seconds of boba fett... oops?

It’s going to be that creature from the Holiday Special

100%. It started as a journeyman protagonist finding his way after a major defeat, but then pivoted halfway through to a completely different narrative. But without introducing and clarifying the antagonist early on (is Bobas challenge establishing an empire? Is it fighting back against a specific enemy? Etc) it’s

It’ll be Palpatine. It’s always Palpatine.

I do wish the show had done a better job establishing the show’s big bad. In The Mandalorian we had Giancarlo Esposito hamming it up as the show’s big villain for at least a couple weeks before the finale. The Book of Boba Fett’s finale is next week, and the bad guys are still just “the evil fish gangsters”.

I can’t shake the feeling that this show is a reflection of some internal fight at Disney. These two Mandalorian episodes feel more like an emergency patch than an intentional thing. I loved them, but they definitely feel like they were intended to be the first couple episodes of Mando’s series. Why dedicate so much

That Mos Espa Vespa street chase felt VERY Spy Kids to me, and not in a good way. The whole chase sequence felt pretty sloppily shot and edited. And then Danny Trejo showed up with a Rancor and I realized “Oh yeah, Robert Rodriguez definitely made this.”

At first I was really excited by the idea of a bunch of bitcoin bros moving to live near a volcano, but now that I’ve learned that this volcano is not likely to erupt, my enthusiasm has diminished

I’m wondering if instead of Tobey and Andrew we get a Miles and... what the hell, how about Nic Cage Spider-Man Noir.

well that’s kind of the point isn’t it? comic book lore for the BIG heroes has always been heteronormative in the first place because “reasons”. It was popular or even ALLOWED in parts of the US and the larger world to be publicly gay; therefore the stories if non-hetero sexuality was factored in, it was heavily

I totally agree, January 6th was a dress rehearsal.  If the twice impeached, loser, Florida retiree gets elected again, it will be the last time anyone in the US votes.

5g and vaccines. 

A gutted education system, combined with the ability of social media to turn outcasts into out-groups, combined with a bone-deep need to believe things rather than think about them. Add a healthy dash of privilege, stir in 300 years of systemic failure, and here we are.

Throw in a heap of Dunning-Kruger. And snorting in their own farts about racial superiority.

40 year republican war on education may have something to do with it.

How did these people get like this?  Asbestos? Leaded gasoline?  

You do realize by now, today, 11/01/2022 that you chose the absolute worst hill to make this particular stand on right?

Crypto is super dirty in so many ways. Most crypto currencies are a scam since the system is totally unregulated. Crypto currencies generate a ton of pollution. Sure, a few people have made a fortune off crypto, and a few more have made some significant gains, but keep in mind that many, many more have lost fortunes.

Fuck anyone defending this crap.