Powers for Good

Excellent. I wonder if that's been done...

Women are not the opposite of men.

Good question, and fair.

"Also, haven't "researchers" been crying wolf over "humanity is destroying the planet" for a good 40, 50 years?"

"We have a solid 20-50 years of technological progress before things are even going to start to get bad regarding climate change."

"I really don't know how anyone is dumb enough to get suckered into a scam that is this transparently inane and phony..."

... because there couldn't possibly be more than one black stormtrooper....

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Wow.... the Fuhrer was right all along... GamerGate isabout ethics in game journalism. Amazing how just one bad egg could make it seem like the entire carton was spoiled... /s

Perhaps. People are really good at hearing what they want to hear, understanding what they want to understand, doing what they want to do, and ignoring or attacking everything else.

Just imagine what would happen if someone wrote something like this about Muhammad...

Please, please, please, please, please let this be one of the spin-off films...

Let's just hope it doesn't end up like this....

I haven't seen the new version of Clash of the Titans, but as a kid the original was one of my absolute favorites, though this eventually got me into trouble. I must have been about 11 or 12 years old and babysitting my two younger brothers and younger sister (yes, I know...), who would have been around 9, 7, and 5,

They missed the biggest misconception of all: #gamergate isn't about misogynists harassing women, actually it's about ethics in game journalism.

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But... but.... Hitler supports gamergate... how could he possibly be wrong?

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But... but.... Hitler loves gamergate, so how could it possibly be wrong?

Yes - another life saved by an automatic deployment device. If they hadn't had them they'd be very, very, very dead.

Deal. Please begin....

Wow, that must be really tough. That's a whole 5 days waiting. Let us all know if want to talk about it more. We're all here supporting you.