
@dblegend: Interesting. I had no idea the term 'British Isles' was no longer politically correct.

I'm very sorry if I offended you - that was in no way my intention, believe me.

I completely understand. But that's not what I was doing. I was merely stating that there is a subtle difference between 'british' in a broader geographical sense and 'british' meaning someone from The United Kingdom of Great Britain.

Apparently this is a very emotional subject :-)

In this case I do believe it has a lot to do with language. If it had said 'scandinavian accent' it would have referred to the accent of anyone from Denmark, Sweden or Norway, even though there is no such country or nation as Scandinavia.

But last time I checked Ireland was in fact one of the British Isles...

wouldn't that be 'the shite'

Doesn't sound that british to me. But foreign, allright. At times I thought she sounded more swedish, german or french...

More like 0% analog. Horns and magnifying glasses are not electronic devices and as such neither digital nor analog.

If they made these from actual mole skin, I'd want one...

"You're as cheap as your suit"

That's very manly... Just don't get it too close to the fire...

Here am I floatin' 'round my tin can far above the world

... Who was patient 2? ...

Yes. But I guess its hard to dance much in zero gravity...

I like the "scent by the gods" slogan..

I am not a lawyer, but since this would classify as a derivative work authorship would be attributed to Ruiz. The fact that he used photoshop as a tool to produce the work has no effect on this (It does question the originality, though). If you produced a derivative work by covering Mona Lisa in purple spraypaint, the

Joseph Stalin would have loved this...

Only if Mr. Da Vinci had in fact painted the background first, then painted Mona Lisa on top of it - which I doubt he did...
