
Aha! So it's not a new language - The code is just written from right to left!

I bet those are grade A-Steroids...

If you find having your wrist squeezed by servo motors entertaining, yes...

Not until you control your wii...

Because this is what separates us from our monkey ancestors. We use tools, goddammit!

Only you have to walk around with no pants on for that to be interesting...

Bin Laden, Gadaffi and Kim Jong-Il all in the same year... 'Bad Guy Bingo 2012', anyone?

...or Rolan Bolan

If you're going to save it for several years, that's probably right. Something to do with keeping the cork wet to provide an airtight seal, I guess...

Why not a python-skin print? I'd buy that...

I think it goes something like 'if a [insert creature here] was the size of a [insert creature 1.000.000 times larger here] it would be the most dangerous [insert type here] animal in the world.

depends... biological computers could potentially be applied in environments where electronics won't work well. Bacteria don't mind getting wet or dirty. Electric circuits usually do...

I'm now considering registering the eColiPad, eColiBook and eColiPhone trademarks. I'll let you guess what the logo should look like...

So instead of butt-dialing we'll now have...

Obviously, T-rexes didn't know how to do the deed either - that's why they became extinct...

Well... someone's certainly got a bug up their ass

Not quite... The 'dish' IS the camera. The sample is placed on the image-sensor chip - and so the pictures are taken from below the sample. The phone seems to be there only to provide lighting...

Say what?

Also - the results of the "square root of 32" are taken directly from WolframAlpha...

I have a Presso like the one pictured. I think I've seen those 'bicycle' models you mention. They use coffee pods rather than grounds, don't they?