
Yeah. At least this is an overpriced shiny piece of circuitry assembled by Chinese slave labour.

Wow. That's pretty amazing.

As long as it is disrupting sleep patterns it is definitely unhealthy...

"I mean, just look at it!"

With wheels that small and no gears your not going to go very fast anyway...

It's kind of hard to email a parcel...

That guy sounds like the bastard child of Sean Connery and Microsoft Sam

PCWorld had a photo gallery of the Googleplex last year:

I wonder why they picked Belgium and Sweden of all places...

I feel a little bad for finding that incredibly funny...

Yes... These are the sad facts: [www.sitemeter.com] Notice the huge drop in page views this monday...

He probably slept all day...

Right... An old guy sitting perfectly still. 5 hours. Each night. For seven months. Man, you'd have to speed that up to make it watchable... :-)

150 failed attempts. Couldn't he have used a file to remove just the failed part instead of starting all over?

One could argue that the 70's vibe added by the hipstamatic conveys a sort of "this is the new Vietnam" message...

My education didn't cost me a dime. In fact, I think I 'got paid' something like 1000$/month. State Educational Support FTW.

Construction is scheduled to be finished in 2016 so don't pack your skis just yet... It's a cool concept though, and I'm looking forward to seeing it in real life (I live just 20km from Copenhagen)

@brijazz: Are you saying we should have humans processing the items at chekout?

@Ryan: How about Auschwi.tz?

That bridge is going to cast some shadow over that village at the bottom.