
Wait, wait! What happens next? I want more!

My first mobile phone had absolutely horrible text input. It didn't support tapping through letters. You had to hold down a key and it would cycle - slowly - through the letters. This was actually in the early 2000's.

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: Well... Impressionsm was a movement in its own time. Van Goghs work is usually called Post-impressionism - a term invented 20 years after his death...

@iDon't even: But wouldn't even proper tilt optics just create an even gradual blurring across the height of the picture in this case?

@JakeMG: Waxing Pedantic: They aren't done with a tilt-shift lens. They are all done in photoshop to show the effect you can acheive without expensive tilt-shift equipment.

@JRock: Yup. I've got one at home. It makes a decent espresso at a fraction of the cost of a 'real' espresso machine.

@JRock: I really cannot understand why companies don't do more to provide good (or at least decent) coffee to their employees. Easy way to increase overall job satisfaction...

@pat18: Never been to the states. But in Denmark where I live, coffee is usually both bad AND expensive... A standard cup of drip coffee often costs around 30DKK (5$) and frankly most café employees don't know how to handle their expensive espresso machinery...

Pimmel. *chuckle*

@Wwhat: In this case, I think the problem is rather to provide 'the right kind' of stimuli to the right nerves.

@Maave: It's called a Cochlear Implant.

Bubble wrapped skyscrapers.

Two beams of light to represent the missing towers.

@countjackula: Yes on both accounts.

@cormack: "Wave: The Rise and Fall" has a better ring to it...

@ThinkerTDM: We did. You're just not invited...

@baneyu: If you keep running around looking happy while shaking your hand in your pocket, you're gonna get arrested...