The X-gene.
The X-gene.
Will you also get to deal with Nazis Magneto-style?
My grandfather, rest his soul, had a story he liked to tell whenever he saw one of those bastards. When my mother was about 4, they went to a park with a pond for a picnic. They gave my mother a bunch of stale bread to feed to the many ducks at the pond. A Canada goose came over, attacked the ducks to drive them away,…
My dog is now nearly twelve years old, and is on the low end of the “large breed” weight class, so he’s probably only got another year or two in him.
When he was younger, he’d end up doing the breaststroke in the dirt, straining at his leash, trying desperately to get at turkeys, geese, ducks, and anything else we’d…
My wife and I live on the southern shore of Lake Erie, and in our area, Canada geese (and it still drives me nuts that they are called “Canada geese,” and not “Canadian geese”) are a protected international species.
This means that the geese cannot be harmed, harassed, or “molested” in any way, shape, or form. I think…
There are tons of lost books, movies, and other forms of art that disappeared solely because it was illegal to make copies and the people responsible for them didn’t care and allowed them to be destroyed. It’s a travesty that we continue the trend, and have added video games to the garbage pile.
Meowscular Chef at #1 or GTFO
Used to work in quant for Wall Street. Will agree that they are hard workers and have sizable balls... but smart isn’t a word I’d describe these guys.
Time will tell I guess. Considering they were founded in 2014 means it really hasn’t been long enough to differentiate success and luck.
Like 99% of hedge fund managers... he’s probably no smarter than the average joe... he’s just got more (other people’s) money to play around with.
And I don’t want my grandkids growing up in a theocratic totalitarian corporate fascist dystopian industrial wasteland police state. So... where do we go from here?
“Dud” you go fuck yourself? Because you should go fuck yourself. Always go fuck yourself.
AS the son of a naturalized citizen, all I can say is:
Overwatch was always deliberately unbalanced. There are very few symmetrical things in the game on purpose. The benefit of this is that players try off the wall things to gain success, rather than falling into a rhythm of counting cooldowns and min-maxing.
I thought I’d add a new take on a fan favorite.
ugh. you guys are the wooooooooorst.
I’m finding it kinda odd how “Microsoft delivered” on the works of other publishers, especially multiplatform ones. They didn’t really ‘do’ anything except showcase their (usually multiplatform) games as part of their presentation. Sorry if I sound super sarcy, it was just kinda odd to present it like that (IMO).
I beg to differ.