Power Creek

>> “Our data indicate that the current guideline of a 1.6 km (1 mile) buffer zone effectively minimizes disturbance to denning polar bears.”

“Potentially dangerous” is a redundant weasel-phrase.

So Gizmodo fans are about the last people I’d expect to have a calm, nuanced take on this, and I don’t expect anything to change that. But check this out:

Weird story. It goes into basically no detail as to the very crux of the story — i.e., what was wrong with the masks. Other than to offhandedly quote one person as saying they were “less durable.” And then, someone from another hospital says they had no problems with the ones they received.

Tom, I have an honest, non-troll question for you.

Hey Jody, you know what we’re looking for right now from Gizmodo?

When did Gizmodo start doing gadget reviews?

>> At the time of this writing, a mere 92 people have signed, many of whom were likely within the Oracle Employees for Ethics Slack group, which helped generate the petition. However, [[a number]] of anonymous Oracle employees spoke to Vox recently,  

This is a pretty good article, but maybe could have pointed out that one can achieve the same thing simply by using different browsers. I use Chrome for work and Firefox for personal.

>> Latinx

Alex, this is Gizmodo. I think you forgot to lecture all of us for our anti-Chinese racism.

>>Intense, zany action


intimidating, hostile, degrading, [and] humiliating” to a minority group—which is the language Forstater was dismissed over, not for stating her belief that “sex is real,”

As Gizmodo, over time, became less about gadgets and technology and more about frantically lecturing the plebes for not being Woke enough, I commented a couple of times that the “deals” section was, oddly enough, the best-written part of the site. Shep (I assume) would drop in little comments that were genuinely funny

As Gizmodo, over time, became less about gadgets and technology and more about frantically lecturing the plebes for

Now playing

Bah, you kids. Weep before the horror of...

>> the brass

That’s what the James Whitbrook is hoping you’ll do.

So, yeah, the whole point of this article... Doesn’t it strike anyone else that James Whitbrook say’s it’s about “Tits and Ass” (and he literally puts in in quote marks) but ... all Hamilton says is that they need to “build her a butt.” In other words, it seems much more about the physique they wanted than, you know,

>> Here Are Twitter’s Latest Excuses as to Why It Lets Donald Trump Break Its Rules Constantly