Power Creek

Question: I work in a building with a no-password, public-access wifi. But the range doesn’t reach my office. Could I just use one of these things to boost the range of the network -- even though it’s not my network?

Question: I work in a building with a no-password, public-access wifi. But the range doesn’t reach my office. Could

I guess no one will ever see this, but I wish this comment would get pinned to the top every time this thing goes on sale. The interface is holy-crap-how-the-flying-&$&!-did-this-thing-ever-make-it-past-the-approval-process bad. Seriously -- this thing could be a textbook example of atrocious design.

I guess no one will ever see this, but I wish this comment would get pinned to the top every time this thing goes on

I guess I’m in the minority — I bought one, and eventually stopped using it.

I guess I’m in the minority — I bought one, and eventually stopped using it.

None of the above. The best gym bag is the Good2Go Basic Pet Carrier, which retails for about $32. Like this:

None of the above. The best gym bag is the Good2Go Basic Pet Carrier, which retails for about $32. Like this:

Leatherman to left-handers: DROP DEAD

I’m sorry, but this is just... stupid. The US Military is decentralized in this regard. No one at the Pentagon is overseeing the web page of some Army National Guard unit in New Mexico. There’s no reason for them to, unless I guess they were crazy control freaks oh and also had thousands of people to do it.

Hey everyone, this question doesn’t relate to a deal, but I have no idea where or how to ask it.

Hey everyone, this question doesn’t relate to a deal, but I have no idea where or how to ask it.

Alternate take:

Good heavens — you send the guy the sort of shallow, witless emails one might expect out of any college humanities freshman ... and you think this exchange somehow makes you look *good*?

I think the most obvious use-case isn’t doing dishes -- it’s being able to read and surf while eating a cheeseburger in a cafe. You know, eating alone and reading my phone. Surfing links about how to meet people.

So, I get that Root readers are not really interested in facts, but here’s one anyway. This video is ALSO very selectively chosen. What it doesn’t show: That the teens had been dancing and chanting spirit songs BEFORE Nathan Phillips showed up and walked directly up to them.

Well, I suspect the answer to your question, assuming it was asked it good faith, is that:

They don’t even care that the initial video clip clearly was intended to deceive them, or that Nathan Phillips demonstrably lied in his media interviews (before the full video came out). Because they LIKE the lies. For them, the fact that the teenage kid was wearing a hat, with political slogan they don’t like, is all

SlamTime, I appreciate what you’re trying to do here, but — these people aren’t interested in your “reason,” or “facts.” You are never — NEVER — going to get them to admit that the narrative they so eagerly seized on turned out to be, well, just wrong.
As an experiment, I went into r/FuckTheAltRight and tried to talk

They were aggressors... because they were wearing a hat with a political message you don’t like.

Will do.



You sound sane.

You sound happy and well-adjusted.