Power Creek

Exactly my impression as well.

This thread is full of people congratulating themselves about how so much smarter they are than, you know, THOSE people.

Your reply does not strike one as particularly brainy either, though.

There were dozens of protesters. DOZENS.

This is an excellent idea and is certain not to have any unintended consequences or create any perverse incentives. Good job all the way around.

I liked this review. I miss the days when Gizmodo was more about cool gadgets and gizmos than clickbait outrage hit-pieces.

hmm. Was ephedrine one of the supplements studied? Because my understanding is that ephedrine DOES work -- it was just taken off the market because it was being abused, not because it wasn’t effective.

I have a keyboard with a volume knob too (A Redragon keyboard, it’s actually a volume roller, but still). Crazy how few keyboards come with them. They are SO handy.

I have a keyboard with a volume knob too (A Redragon keyboard, it’s actually a volume roller, but still). Crazy how

Did you have any reaction to your first dose?

None of these comments capture the real concern about Haaland.

Interesting. The Norwegian lifestyle that is such the envy of the Gizmodo demographic is underwritten and enabled by two things: First, the oil industry; and second, the American military umbrella*. Interesting to see how this proceeds.

So, is there less Dur Hur Hur around here today now that UPS has confirmed that there really was a package, that they lost it, and have now found it and are returning it to Carlson?

I just bought a Redragon K587 off Amazon for about $60. I like it quite a bit. One of the best things about it is the volume roller. WHY DOESN’T EVERY KEYBOARD HAVE A SIMPLE VOLUME KNOB OR ROLLER?!?!

On the off (fat) chance that anyone at Gizmodo is actually interested in real-word facts rather than Rhett’s Gizmodo-brand frothing, this guy gives a pretty good account of what the actual issues are:

>>“A two-tonne armoured beast, with a 1.5-metre horn and a bad temper, is perhaps not something paleolithic humans would have been that keen on poking with a spear ... “I personally think it is unlikely that humans back then would have had the capacity alone to hunt a species to extinction”

This is really interesting to me. I, a complete layperson, have always thought the solution was obvious: The city should build and maintain the physical infrastructure, just as it does roads, and private ISPs should compete to provide the service, which you could switch any time you wanted. Interesting to see that

Guess we’ll never know.

1. I despise Trump

Breaking: Website that deliberately inculcates a toxic, vicious culture... likes toxicity and viciousness. SHOCKING.