Power Creek

Your mileage may vary.

Yes, Lollapalooza, but what really speaks to the quality of Gizmodo commenters is that twenty of them — twenty! — thought this statement

Good reply, thanks. Interesting (and completely off-topic) note about the original Death Wish: The guy who wrote it, Brian Garfield, later went on to write The Thousand-Mile War,” a non-fiction book that, believe it or not, is widely considered the definitive account of the Aleutian Campaign in WWII. Great book.


Thought experiment. Can you name a movie from 2018, the politics of which you didn’t like — but that, as a movie, you enjoyed and thought it worked well?

Skimming through these reviews, one starts to get a sense of where the authors are coming from.

Waaay back in the old days of Gizmodo — when the site was actually more about technology and gadgets than the latest woke outrage — the writer probably would have noted how bump stocks are exactly the kind of thing that could easily be 3d printed. (If they had 3d printers then, obv)

>> Amazon also says that the company plans to lobby the U.S. government for a change to the minimum wage.

Kashmir, good article. Well-written and thoughtful. My only criticism is that there is a slight eye-roll involved at it being posted on Gizmodo. What started as an interesting news-and-technology website is now mostly articles and commenters who regularly wallow in the kind of RAWR RAWR RAWR OUTRAYGE EVERYONE WE

It’s not a counterpoint if there was no original point.

I can’t?

Blistering hot take there Jeffro

You sound delightful.

Right— this is one of the most bizarre aspects of the story. The ultimate firing offense seems to be that, THREE MONTHS LATER, he spoke at a meeting of what I understand to be black employees, and failed to mention anything about what happened three months prior. I guess they were expecting it to be like one of those

No. It’s not “clearly” ANYTHING unless we see an actual video that captures the context, tone and body language. Sorry but that’s just the truth. Otherwise, what we think is “clear” is just us inserting our own preconceived biases into the situation.

Whoa whoa whoa — you’re trying to be thoughtful and civil *on gizmodo.com*?!?! MODS!!


Wow, you really nailed me there.

Wow, it’s like you really know me.