Gawker stories about intel programs during the Bush years: Bush this, Cheney that, Bush Bush Bush.
Gawker stories about intel programs during the Bush years: Bush this, Cheney that, Bush Bush Bush.
In other news, a new study finds exactly what the study set out to find.
China is also building new coal plants at the rate of something like one a week.
Completely agreed, and I say this as a lover of things historical and heritage-related. What I mean to say is, even *I* think this is foolish overthinking. Just open the *%&ing letters — that’s what they’re for.
So did I! When I was in Afghanistan, all the days were very routine. So I downloaded that MP3, trimmed the beginning to match up with the exact spot it starts in the movie, and put it on my tablet as my alarm :^)
Here’s an idea. Perhaps Stanford researchers could go looking in their couch cushions for extra coins. Well, either that or use a tiny fraction of Stanford’s TWENTY-ONE POINT FOUR *BILLION* DOLLAR ENDOWMENT.
“Yeah, New Zealand’s pretty good, I guess.” - Alaska
Oh, I see.
Where are the people behind him?
Welcome, brother.
Uh huh. So, when confronted with the following alternatives:
My parents had the opposite experience with Alaska Airlines. They missed their flight because an *avalanche* closed down the highway into Anchorage. Alaska Airlines was entirely unsympathetic. Cost them a ton of money for new tickets.
Just to clarify - the Ghost forest you’re referring to is not the one in the picture. The one in the pic is if you take the trail south from Lowell Point. But they were both caused by the same quake. In any case, good comment - not trying to be pedantic.
“15-day guarantee for getting the latest Android build”
Kate — “When you’re trying to destroy a politician by insisting that their careless email habits endangered national security,”
I know all that, and still - meh. There is an element of deception to it. These books aren’t really “banned.” Mostly they were just “challenged” — and most of those challenges were rejected. Libraries “censor” things all the time. If I requested that they carry Hustler in the periodicals section, do you think that…
My Creds: Support libraries, HUGE (nearly an absolutist) on free speech, free expression, etc.