United States Ghost

This beer and Wapner-era People's Court take me right back to my grandparent's house.

While not as good as the Cream Ale (but still not bad) the Genesee Bock Beer comes in an even cooler can.

Mmm. Man, I wish my grandmother were still alive. Her food is so good. I can make it myself but it isn't the same!

I'm ethnic, too. Ethnically Polish, that is. This is the skin color of my people:

I found this today and I am psyched I have a reason to use it!

holy crap. This is my favorite beer. There's nothing Great Lakes puts out that I don't like, but the Dortmund Gold is tops. Added bonus is that IPA drinkers seem to like it, so I no longer have to stock up on IPA just to be a good host.

BA's civilian raters, who are addicted to hops and high alcohol percentages, give it a 91; the dudes in charge say 99

Came here to say this, saw you already said it, but I feel so passionate about it I'm still commenting! The Edmund Fitzgerald is in a very elite group of porters imo. I think I'll pick up a sixer after work, just because of these posts.

Yes. That dame crease. Long headlights. Gaping ass grills.

1. Learn to sharpen your chain. To the idiot in the comments telling people to "take the blade in to be sharpened", you're an idiot. It's a chain, not a blade. And you should sharpen it every time you put gas in it.

Yeah, but this car is entirely nicer, more refined, more practical, and easier to live with than either of those.

brb robbing a bank

Try tracking down the Christmas Ale. Might still be able to find some around. More like a quad than a holiday beer but on par with those other three and, unfortunately, only seasonal.

Jesus. I think I just saw Gollum's dick.

St Bernardus is not a trappist.

Ok then, can we look forward to some bush exposure on the catwalk? In the interests of gender equality, obviously.

A big middle finger fuck you to all the parasitic assholes who go out and buy a beer only to try and re-sell it.

And an even bigger double fuck you to the imbecilic bottom feeders who pay the inflated prices for these secondary market beers.

You probably need a hobby.

My local Safeway has started carrying it for ~$7. I bought them all in case it was some sort of mistake - I also bought them to pour down my gullet, but I think that's a given.