Underneath a quiet office building in even-quieter Irvine, California, there rests some of the loudest, strangest,…
Underneath a quiet office building in even-quieter Irvine, California, there rests some of the loudest, strangest,…
“...you fucking child.”
counting boat and car 24 cylinders and 1450 hp.
18 Cylinders, 822hp, 1105ft-lbs (roughly), 1 turbo in the mix.
You’re an odd man, but you steam a good ham.
Counting two wheelers, five cylinders, two electric motors, and 140 hp, between two vehicles.
20 cylinders and 928hp. I like this game.
Cromulent paint job.
I’m not ashamed to say that the sum of the horsepower of all three of my cars only equals 220 bhp. 9 total cylinders and two turbos though!
Horsepower is a great thing. It helps cars move, which helps us drive them, and driving is what we enjoy. But in…
That turkey looks like something from Eraserhead
Yup! First thing I thought of. Will still drive 2+hr to get my annual liquid gold 120...every damn time...
I know, take that shit to the Crooked Hammock
People who take their kids to breweries and bars that also happen to serve some food are the worst of the worst. They are all, without reservation, 20 and 30-somethings who don’t want to give up their lifestyle of going out and getting tanked but are too cheap/stupid/whatever to get a babysitter. I don’t want to…
Thank you. How the hell does the list not include anyone from hockey? I mean, some Mike Modano lions-mane, or some Lanny McDonald beard action? For shame.
It is known.
Everyone is entitled to their wrong opinions. The day shall come when popup headlight will return to mass-mar... any car at all, even just one please.