United States Ghost

how many sips did you take each time one of your roommates literally died on the couch from drinking this vile shit?

It's reasonable and responsible and utterly terrible.

I'll finish my Busch beer and join the ranks of Birds fans.

What's the big deal? The Flyers are also still paying Ilya Bryzgalov and he's interviewing for the NHL's Department of Parallel Universes.

At least it's better than their planned winter offering, Women Are Objects Lager.

Yeah, because the Cayenne and Macan don't water down their brand identity...

That's great to hear...comrade.

We've got to just do an open thread someday soon called "What Did Gramps Drink And What Did Nana Think About It?" I love this kind of story. (stories of drinkin' Nanas and disapproving Grampses will get automatically promoted to the top.)

Counterpoint: True.

This comment makes my head hurt.....

Eight is a smarmy number. It's hippie bullshit.

Keurig is coffee for libertarian fedoras. Drip coffee is for the people.

Not a ton of force - maybe how much pressure you'd use while buttering bread with soft-but-not-mushy butter?

And here I am trying to abide by my "no drinking on weeknights rule." Reading this article made me want a beer (or 10) after work sooooo fuckin' bad.

Just to piss you off.

AHHHHHHHHHHHH. I literally shuddered when I read this

Seriously though, we will happily accept your envelopes of water.

Still around, although the hipsters have kind of taken it away from us hard working, fat assed yinzers :(