i’m trying to buy a house right now.
i’m trying to buy a house right now.
Seriously at this point how the fuck is this real life. It’s too much to absorb. Like my new reality has shifted too quickly and I can’t fucking handle it. If I had the money I seriously would just go and herd cows at this point. The world has gone fucking mad.
The only acceptable male cameo.
White women who want to broadcast their politics (in addition to actually taking action, ahem) could also just wear a t-shirt from Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, Amnesty, SPLC, CAIR, BLM, NOW, NPR, DNC ... the possibilities are endless. Just anything at all besides almost literally #notallwhitewomen.
So let me get this straight: The post in question wasn’t written by Kukla, but rather, someone from Kukla’s Clan?
Also toxic masculinity gonna tox.
fragile masculinity gonna fragile
By that rationale, listening to Pussy Riot or eating hamburger helper stroganoff pouches equate to treason.
A country is more than its government. Even Russia. Chill out.
Yeah, he just happened to get arrested with them.
I did Nazi that coming.
Except that’s not going to work
It’s like someone dared them to put together the Worst Administration Possible.
Or maybe somebody should have suggested another target...a military target.
is acting weirdly because it recently annihilated an entire planet, and the shattered remains of that planet are now producing strange flickering effects.
Because the Mr Heater Buddy might double the value of the Jeep?
So the life lesson has been to move the foot backward instead of forward. Good teaching, Mike.
Yes, counter-balance. The forward lunge provided counter-balance for the mule kick to the nuts attempt.