
In Boston we called it ‘squeezing the lemon’...i.e., you see from far off that the light is yellow and you race to make it through...often getting only halfway through before the light turns red. It’s nuanced and subjective, but it *can* be considered illegal.

Could you please identify what statute in what state or municipality says you can’t enter an intersection on a yellow?

This is terrifying.

Why does this exist.

You can’t “run a yellow.” Entering an intersection on a yellow light is perfectly legal.

Fuck em if they can’t take a joke

You know I’ve brushed shoulders with many people. In fact I’ve straight up run into people cuz I’m a huge klutz. And yet. I’ve never sexually assaulted someone or been accused of sexually assaulting someone. Weird.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

I feel for his family, and his death was a tragedy.

I can only assume you’re talking about the bull, and not the idiot who decided to fuck with the bull in an enclosed space.

Nobody’s joking about this guy’s death. On the contrary, we want to prevent stupid ways to die, like this one. This is an archaic practice of torturing animals for human enjoyment. There is no justification for bullfighting or this guy’s death. Not tradition, not culture, not art. It’s barbaric and it must stop NOW!

Mess with the bull, you get the horns, and so on.

Yeah, the guy who tortured animals to death for entertainment was a great fuckin’ dude, and we should definitely feel bad that one of those animals turned the tables on him.

Question, what was he doing when he died?

Fuck him and his bullfighting self.

He was good, friendly, affable, generous man. With a family. A small daughter. Who tortured and killed animals to entertain a mob.

Charlamagne and Wendy Williams will probably never speak again and that’s fine with me.

Does this mean we can start kicking Jews and coloreds out of our business establishments?

LAND Rover.

Sorry guys, I accidentally cast my screen to “DC Train Station ALL” instead of “DC Train Station Basement office”