
You need to add Teen Wolf.

I noticed you failed to work in something about Shawshank Redemption being the greatest movie of all time...

That’s like when I was talking to my buddy Hench about how Phil Simms is an idiot because he always says “I was talking to...” and we were talking about when I was talking to House about when he was talking about Phil Simms.

I can’t believe local Boston sports talk radio didn’t fly during HBO prime time.

Close, but you needed a smarmy “These are my readers”, and/or gratuitous fucking overmentions of House.

“Sully and Murph know what I mean...”

That’s just silly. Nobody gets what Antoine Walker was all about.

“You see, my show was always going to be like the Horace Grant of sports talk shows. Really under appreciated and never quite got the praise it deserved. Sort of like how Freaks & Geeks only had that one season but as time passed, people began to realize how good it was. It’s kind of like this time back when I was a

Pumpkins won’t fit in the microwave and it makes the lipstick melt.

It leaves them wishing they had abandon their ‘chief wahoo’ bullshit

I just wish they owned up to their shit for once. It’s always “But, I’m not a racist! No, I don’t hate women!” Just fucking own what you are.


You want a Versa?!

They went nowhere precisely because they were character sketches. For my money, I couldn’t stand all the flash backs. Occasionally, they would have deep emotional resonance, but for the most part, they just struck me as ways to pad out the episode. For many people, though, those flashbacks were the heart of the show,

I still want one

Abrams has a shifty record of actually making storylines pay off, but having Nolan there helps - Person of Interest is a great example of that partnership working out.

My disappointment with Lost began so early because I saw so much potential for rich character exploration in the situation—a bunch of 21st century first-world humans reduced to a state of nature. But instead plot after plot and character after character went exactly nowhere.

“Look what you made me do.”