Derek Powazek

You have to be in a space where you are not distracted by everything around you.

GOP: rah rah free market supply/demand

She’s so fucking stupid and that bothers me. The racism also bothers me, but I expect that out of Trumpublicans by default.

Just before we have some of the usual ‘Cancel culture gone mad!’ comments, no, she is not being ‘cancelled’, she is facing the consequences of using a public platform, the internet equivalent of shouting out in the middle of the street, to make questionable comments, and Disney would rather not have to deal with it.

Look, Dredd was great. Totally underrated, deserved a sequel, had shit marketing. But maaayyyybbbbeeeeee right now’s not the time for another story about a cop who’s judge, jury, and executioner all in one? Because I get to see that on Twitter every day.

If Joe Rogan’s podcast is the “jewel of your podcasting empire”, your empire is shit.

It’s a shame you led with sarcasm, you could have learned why this is a positive thing if you’d led with curiosity instead.

Since this isn’t segregation, yes, pretty happy.

It fits with his motif of appropriating stuff made by Jews into pseudo-Christian nonsense for his DC Movies.

I’d still prefer this show to take the Bridge Crew seriously. I think that the contrast would be better, rather than it being a ship full of quirky screwups (which it really was this episode), but at it’s core, the show is in the right place. It’s less a branded parody, than a proper Trek show that’s more focused on

I think the story would actually work better with a few examples of the Matrix improving people’s lives. After all, at the end of the trilogy, the Matrix isn’t shut down: instead people are given the choice to leave the Matrix or to continue living in it. That ending would make a lot more sense if they had made the

...which would kinda turn the Matrix into a sorta liberator, right?

It is explained in the first film that your matrix self, when you jack in, is how you project yourself. Basically, the matrix doesn’t dictate what you look like when you’re hacking in. Much in the same way it doesn’t forbid you from coming in loaded to the gills with weapons.

Well, if he was trying to find a way to piss off every 18-25 year old potential voter (all 29 of them), he found a way. 

I have a very simple plant watering system. It’s this: you all get water once a week. Been doing this for 15 years and have never had a plant die on me. We have 19 (just counted them) different kind of plants in our living room, they all seem to be doing fine.

I thought the problem with Solo was just that it was a bad movie.

Do you suppose there will ever come a day when creators of color or women get as many chances and comebacks as white men who abuse their staff/co-workers?

And Ray Romano could play the role he was born for -- Henchman 24!

Bugs and the gang have changed a lot over the years, but he did have yellow gloves at one time. To shave dollars off budgets, the characters lost certain colours and details as they aged, but this iteration look s alot closer to the classic stuff from the thirties and forties. (Much better than the current one on TV.)