Derek Powazek

Throughout Disco and Picard’s seasons, I’ve talked about how my problem with the shows is that they creators don’t seem to either understand or buy into the philosophy of Trek. It’s not about the choices that an individual character makes, but how those choices are treated and how the background morality of the

My impression, based only on the way stuff was presented in this episode, and with a little supposition on how *I* would run my mixed mech/bio jobsite:

Perhaps, but it wasn’t helped that the Picard of the movies was almost unrecognisable to the one from the TV shows. The scripts tried to make him the action hero, the nadir being that awful dune buggy chase from Nemesis. 

Trump’s campaign misusing a meme doesn’t so much concern me as Trumpo trying to pull literal Nazi shit with an executive order declaring Judaism to be a nationality. Not only is this continuing Trump’s anti-semitic “Jews = Israel” stance, but it’s also another step in justifying deporting Jews. Because if Jews are a

So close. And yet so far away.

Dodged a bullet more than we thought. A origin of the Jedi story is a terrible idea now matter who does it but an even worse idea being done by the guys who’ve already proven they don’t give a shit about the world someone else already created or what they had in mind.

I don’t even particularly dislike B&W, but I’m glad this isn’t getting made. The Jedi, like Han Solo are so completely self-explanatory that delving into their history feels more reductive than illuminating.

Please tell me directly who this comment is meant to impress, because I can’t figure it out.

Thank you for demonstrating perfectly my current theory, which is that American audiences are so emotionally invested in a universe that presents them as uncritical good guys that any story with a message that late-stage Western cultural and military dominance is in some way wrong becomes simply invisible to them, and

Damn dude, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - you should be running the show here.

Sorry to ruin your attempt at a dunk, but I meant my plain old non-smart doorbell. I don’t have a Nest, just a lot of social anxiety lol.

You’ll find that the venn diagram of people who watch Star Wars, and people who think of themselves as geeky doesn’t align very well either. It’s a pretty bit cultural touchstone, and not something actually just reserved for us nerds.

This is obviously because he forgot the lesson to not leave things in the fridge.

You could always take their list, independently look up the individual orgs, and make a determination for yourself!

And who elected SPLC to decide who is a hate group?

Yes. I am extraordinarily excited about this. Not least because my much younger co-workers won’t look at me like I’m a crazy person when I sing the Doom Song. Well, not as much, anyway.

1) You can ask the same thing about banning any extremist group, from ISIS sympathizers to neo-Nazis. Society “gains something” by pushing those people to the fringes.


He’s really not, though? There’s a few quotes from the authors on how Amos, despite the superficial similarities - big tough guy - is almost nothing like Jayne. The two characters have fundamentally different drives.

No, he’s much better than Jayne from Firefly. Jayne is a dumb, selfish, greedy piece of shit. He has some redeeming moments but he’s definitely the biggest asshole on the crew.