Derek Powazek

Weird how all these negative stories have come out ever since Elon decided to back out of the deal he signed to buy Twitter.

Why are you reporting every tiny thing Cameron says about this turd of a movie? Is this sponcon?

Posts like this are 100% PR spin. Instagram absolutely knows how to make Instagram less annoying. Their users scream it at them every day. This is just manipulating gullible tech journalists. It’s shameful that they’re still falling for it.

I’m confused about what “vonfused” means. #copyedit

I’m confused about what “vonfused” means. #copyedit

You know you don’t have to cover everything this lying liar lies about, right?

Seems like a good place to mention that Section 230 completely protects Google to make editorial decisions on its website.

when prices were more than 35% higher then they are now” should be “than.”

Yeah I came here to say this. When we see Wanda again, she’s going to be VERY different.

Seems like you might wanna mention that the board also fired the CEO after that for wanting to make the place slightly less evil.

Yes it is. 


You can also decarb in the oven. I do 1.5 hours at 240º in a mason jar. 

Also ... all that work to get the spice and then it’s never mentioned again. But, like, it’s still on the ship, right? So the sisters are rich now? Or in great danger since the Pykes would be after it?

Why did George do that, anyway?

Alas, it says A GOD WALKS INTO ABAR the whole time - I also thought it changed but went back to double check. Meanwhile, the text on HBO dotcom calls it “A God Walks into a Bar” so they’re just fucking with us.

Bautista has always been my dream casting for Jet in a live action Cowboy Bebop adaptation.

And if you need this list narrowed down even more: Utopia. Utopia Utopia Utopia. If you haven’t seen it, see it. Truly one of the most amazing television experiences of the year/decade/lifetime.

The planet was fine. We weren’t.

I changed the past. Didn’t matter.