
Yeah fuck this guy. I always gave him a pass even when he was moronic these last few years. But seriously how can someone be against trump and then proceed to be a complete racist? Im sure there are democrats that are racists, but this guy went out of his way to fight neo nazis with his “he will not divide us” Im so

If anything, tweet your appreciation to him. I went on his twitter and called him a true American. Im sure many of these politicians are fumbling around on what that really means now.

Damn you Shep! Right after emptying my pockets on prime day you find this deal!?! For a game that never saw that much of a discount im gonna have to get it though.

Damn you Shep! Right after emptying my pockets on prime day you find this deal!?! For a game that never saw that

Still having problems declaring things a hate crime huh?

That sucks. I planned to upgrade from my tiguan at some point to a touareg. : ( Atlas just seems to gigantic for me)

I know. Its hard to figure out what happened. It could go either way on this. If 30 seconds is true, then that really isnt much time at all from life to death.

Good on you man. There are way too many people who required help in the past, got it, and then proceed to go against all forms of people requiring assistance. Good to see you think full circle.

While I dont know, the fact that he was beaten to death within 30 seconds may not have given his friends enough time to either step in or break up the fight. They possibly could have tried to stop it but couldnt because being outnumbered, they may have tried to stop it without getting aggressive. Just my guess beyond

Someone photoshop Obama in front of him with his dick in trumps mouth

If Obama is the anti christ then I am changing religions. All hail satan!

“Lord, let all our powers combine to form a regular size hand”

Wow Im at the same place in persona 5 as you. Although my time is about 105 hours. Hope to beat it this weekend as well. Good luck! My copy of FFXII is on the way although I wont play it for a while since I beat the original last year and 100% it. Need to let it wear off . It is one of the best!

This dude seems like the type of guy who needs a gun because even the grass on the ground can kick his ass.

This guy may almost be as bad as trumps black pastor friend. You know, the one who lied about being in the military and ended up walking out of a cnn interview when confronted. Wonder what ever became of him? Probably still living good stealing cash from the ignorant

Dont forget the greatest idea in history, a joint cyber security unit with Russia. Team up with the guilty!

America is over. Sorry to say it. You cant fight ignorance on this level. We were the world’s greatest power that lead by example, and now the plot of making other countries and especially Russia, the top dog is in full effect. I just cant believe they used our own people against us. Russian interference was just a

So now can we use this in every argument ever like the right does?

Hahah as someone from the Bahamas, I totally understand this!

It almost sounds like the cops shot themselves with both a stun gun and a tazer, according to the article

Daniel was great on Lost. One of my fav characters