
Im still a fan of 13, but 12 really makes you feel they worked hard on it to encompass all the strengths of the previous FFs. With 13 it seems they just wanted to slap a nice coat of paint on a barebones rpg. I am a fan of all FF regardless of shortcomings. But 12 really is something that deserves another look if you

In 2006 I fucking hated this game. In 2016 I fucking loved this game! Went from being the worst and most boring FF to top 5. Its just fucking amazing

Dont feel bad, I was addicted to fighting games until they moved to 3d. Probably around the time soul caliber 2 was popular. Just didnt feel like learning this new style. My last favorite fighting game was x-men vs streetfighter!

whoops wrong comment.

It stinks for people who like to scroll to the comments quickly. If the comments are still loading, then you scroll right into another story. Plus I swear my computer runs alot slower than before the infinite scrolling. But thats just me.

Almost as bad as never ending fucking scrolling pages.

So I would assume they didnt have jobs right?

I think this is what is wrong with the country. If I did something like this I would get my ass whopped by my parents. I would rather just go to jail instead of face their wrath. Nowadays parents are all like “Little Johnny is the victim here! Sue everyone!”

Im 35 and I hear you. I mean look at George clooney in that new nespresso commercial. Will really hit you hard! Dudes a corpse now lol. We do look that bad. Probably worse.  But heck we are 80s kids so rock on man!

the deals are best around that time

Dude I got the samsumng ks8000 at the same time as you! Must be the best buy deal lol. Such an amazing tv. Besides 4k nature documentaries though I dont give it any 4k content yet

How come this isnt on any major news sites? Im shocked to not see this get more press as it is truly horiffic.

Have we reached the tipping point of human scumbagdom?

I think the judge did the right thing. It is hard to determine how words can label you a murderer, but He said that her telling him to get back in the car was what probably did it. You actively send someone back  into danger knowing full well what the outcome was. I hope this sets a precedence for bullying too.

Finally some BioShock Action. Been waiting for $20 bucks but $25 is fine. Its been at like 35 for months

Finally some BioShock Action. Been waiting for $20 bucks but $25 is fine. Its been at like 35 for months

Too late. I have a green card and making babies. OMG they will be raised with culture! OMG! lock your doors!

American culture is basically stealing other cultures for roughly a year and then tossing it to the curb for another one

Im not sure I am reading what you said right, but I was born in the Bahamas to Indian parents. I have more culture in Indian culture than I do Bahamian. Why? The food, The language, my parents, my sisters, my relatives. My family who actually lives in India, everything. Are you trying to say I should have Bahamian

Probably because they spend all their time getting deepthroated by your mom

The girl shut her up though. After the “I was born here” comment, that woman’s brain hit a trump wall and she went into auto - mode. Obama this, Obama that. She got her ass handed to her. Bravo.