
My guess: Data *chose* to visibly age, so as to further explore the experience of being human. 

Let’s be honest, they’ve been perfecting the response for years: “THOSE people are allowed to say it in their rap songs and talking about each other, but the Leader of the Free World can’t use it? You’re the real racist because you hate white people so much that you want to police their freedom of speech.”

When Trump does drop an N-bomb in a rally, what do you think is going to happen? Is it going to be a record scratch moment, with all the MAGA hat wearers looking uncomfortably at each other, the crowd quieting down, Trump continuing to ramble, but slowly losing steam as he realizes the audience isn’t with him?

I think a quick glance at the False Equivalence wikipedia page oughta do it.

There’s a pretty big difference between playing an Irish woman and playing someone who is trans.... I’m too tired to explain how wrong your argument is and why, maybe someone else who speaks more eloquently than I do can explain it to you.

Just to be fair, Tom brady’s infraction was an on-field thing, not off the field.

You know, they always say it’s a game of inches.

Also, this might explain the deletion of the tweets:

Very much. I have to believe that there’s some kind of payout and/or job offer at the end resulting in some kind of Move That Bus! feel good moment. If not, it’s just televised cruelty.

After a series of escalations, the punchline of every prank is apparently “Actually, you are still unemployed.”

I can understand packing a fleshlight to use discreetly on the road, but it takes a psychopathic level of commitment to one’s masturbation habits to travel with a lifesize replica of a headless, limbless woman to fuck right there in front of others.

“12 months spent undergoing hormone therapy”

Because they want him to act honored that he played for them. Making him repay the money was fine. Expecting him to be happy about it is stupid.

If Warren’s or Harris’s poll numbers drop significantly, and we get 10,000-word profiles in return, perhaps I’ll eat these words, but I’m not counting on it."

When THIS is the evidence that you post to claim you were not a 30 year old dude creeping on an 18 year old, I think there may be a problem:

Raise your hand if you remember being in this exact situation at one point or another with an older guy, and didn’t know how to communicate your lack of interest because youre EIGHTEEN FUCKING YEARS OLD. 

How dare you use the reproductive rights of women as a cudgel against the most important purity tests of the Bernie Bros!

I think you’re wrong. If you look at the bags under his eyes and his messy hair,  the implication is that he’s been staying up late for two or three whole days, maybe a week to figure out something that has escaped all of the great thinkers of the world since the beginning of science.

You’re that guy, aren’t you. I’ve heard about you.

As someone who works in academia, I can confirm this definitely happened and is in no way bullshit.