
My theory on ESB is that the hyperspace trip was quick, but hiding in the asteroid field lasted a long time. After all, the Empire got to Bespin ‘right’ before the Falcon did, which implies that fully functional Star Destroyers weren’t going much faster than Han and co.

That would be a good explanation of why Vader was

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I submit to you that Chirrut is the new Boba Fett. Many similarities with this: 

I guess this might be unpopular, but I think this isn’t fair on Jeffrey Lurie. This feels like a disingenuous take on his comments, very carefully omitting his vocal support for Malcolm Jenkins in the same statement. I’ll be honest too- I think Jenkins has handled things slightly better than Kaepernick. Jenkins has

It’s almost as if the child murders were portrayed as ‘bad’ whilst the child sex was portrayed as ‘good,’ which is somehow an important distinction? How strange.

That is what his base want to do with Obama (and we all know why that is). Be careful what impulses you wish for.

Why invent a word when the term ‘circlejerk’ already exists?

I probably disagree with a lot of things you think, but I’d like it if moderate conservatives had more of a voice. One of the things that seems to be happening in American political discourse (and in my country of Britain) is that the center-right has been crowded out by the Batshit-crazy-right. That makes

I was kind of hoping it would be ‘Bruce Wayne’ if I’m honest.

Oof. What a difficult thing to go through. I don’t know if I would have been as patient as you, if I had been in your shoes. It is such a shame what this bloviated asshole has done to America.

Very good. :)

They’re good but that one’s pretty much a standalone. There is some backstory but you pretty much just need to know Ezra Bridger’s name and that Maul and he had a joint Force vision of ‘Twin Suns’ when Ezra was looking for a way to destroy the Sith, and Maul was looking for revenge. I’d really recommend it.

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Maul already showed up in canon, and it was fantastic.

I really want this to be good, and McGregor to be in it. His great version of Obi-Wan deserves to be in a good Star Wars film.

That said, what do you do to make him leave his long vigil over the Lars homestead? It’s an interesting writing problem to consider.

I thought the Rebels episode ‘Twin Suns’ kind of did what I

I’m getting a rather Dark Crystal Vibe off a lot of this. I see this as a good thing in the main.

This seems as good a place as any to put my theory that The Last Jedi will basically be ‘Moana in space.’

to summarise:

Woman warrior turns up at the island where a famous, legendary warrior is exiled.
She gives him back his magical weapon.

She wants him to combat an ancient evil.

Glowy blue ghost people show up to

Here’s what Chris Weitz got yelled at for pointing out: the Empire are the Galactic equivalent of White Supremacists. It’s pretty obvious when you think about it- it even explains the homogenous accents among their officer class.

Thrawn is like the one alien they tolerate because he is so much better than the rest of

Yeah, you’re absolutely right about that. I played rugby a lot as a kid (I grew up in England) and I played American Football in pads and helmets just the once. The two games are so very different.

Playing Football, I was surprised how I just didn’t get out of breath at all. Whereas in Rugby I would have to run for

Hello, me too. I keep see-sawing between feeling ill when I contemplate the realities of football, the hundreds of physically broken 27-35 year-olds it leaves in its wake each year (this description of one of my favorite players, Tra Thomas, limping around a locker room in his final season got to me the other day),

My three year old just yelled ‘NO! NO MAN TALKING!”