
Yeah, you’re absolutely right about that. I played rugby a lot as a kid (I grew up in England) and I played American Football in pads and helmets just the once. The two games are so very different.

Playing Football, I was surprised how I just didn’t get out of breath at all. Whereas in Rugby I would have to run for

Hello, me too. I keep see-sawing between feeling ill when I contemplate the realities of football, the hundreds of physically broken 27-35 year-olds it leaves in its wake each year (this description of one of my favorite players, Tra Thomas, limping around a locker room in his final season got to me the other day),

My three year old just yelled ‘NO! NO MAN TALKING!”

Poor old Whoopi Goldberg. Does she have a massive tax bill to pay, or something? And is that why they skimped on her wig?

I am really excited about Jodie Whittaker’s casting, but I do see the argument Davidson was groping towards, however badly. I actually agree that the presence of a male hero who didn’t solve problems with violence, and whose defining qualities were his kindness and willingness to sacrifice himself again and again for

I think he needs to wait till the current generation of toddlers obsessed with Moana can vote, and run with the slogan ‘America: You’re Welcome.’

There are three things that appear pretty clear motivations behind GOSH’s actions:

There is a significant chance that even the plane journey itself will involve significant extra discomfort for this poor child, to the point where that alone might kill him.

His life is basically pretty much an ongoing cycle of pain,

It sounds pretty knowable, to be honest. There are three things that appear pretty clear:

There is a significant chance that even the plane journey itself will involve significant extra discomfort for this poor child, to the point where that alone might kill him.

His life is basically pretty much an ongoing cycle of

It’s almost as if people would be more comfortable confiding in you than him, for some reason.

Or maybe, just maybe, low conviction rates, the trauma of the experience, and the tendency of shitty people all over the place to try and explain away rape allegations and blame the woman means that a lot of women aren’t talking about their experiences. I mean, I suspect they’re definitely not talking to you about it,

I sort of retched when I read the line ‘she looks fantastic in her suffragette outfit’ and could not read on.

This man is the Rosa Parks of douchebags and this one Wonder Woman screening is his bus.

Imagine what will play out when he hears that some swimming pools or gyms have women-only sessions! THE GLORIOUS DOUCHEBAG REVOLUTION.

(or not, hopefully).

‘...the screening’s proceeds are going to Planned Parenthood.’

Someone on Twitter pointed out the irony of the American Right defending these when usually they are against ‘participation trophies’ for sides that lost.

I have two theories about Paw Patrol:

Now playing

Have you ever heard the Manic Street Preachers’ song “Ifwhiteamericatoldthetruthforonedayit’sworldwouldfallapart” at all? From the mid-90s. I wonder if Trump is, figuratively, that; White America telling the truth.

The fact that he had a four year old daughter makes this very sad, in my opinion. I’m not sorry for him in the slightest, but that poor little girl.

Wait till you hear that Phil Tippett named an entire alien race after what he had for lunch:

This is a good point! I think that’s even a problem for translators here in Britain.

Yeah, weird, isn’t it? It’s almost as if no matter what race, colour or creed one belongs to, some people are assholes and some aren’t.