
‘Don’t claim that all men talk like sexual predators if you’re trying to prove they aren’t.’


I get so annoyed with this ‘all men talk like that. I just think ‘do not normalise this bullshit. I just think ‘do not drag me down with you, you pricks.’

I’ll admit that I don’t want to be lumped in with awful men

Yeah, they could totally just change courses and stop going out on the campus they live on. No big deal. Totally reasonable to expect that.

I’m on board with the last half of what you say. I do think you’re missing the point somewhat in the first half. It’s like the ‘well, don’t drink alcohol/dress sexy’ argument, ie

I think if I had been drinking something when I read that, I would have actually done a full on spit-take.

If you don’t vote, do you know what every politician, media source and indeed other voter is able to do to you?

They can completely ignore you, and anything you have to say.

Yes! That bit was really refreshing to me; ‘politician is honest about own upbringing and potential impact on her own perspectives, doesn’t spin some bullshit line about being ‘in touch’ with people at the bottom.’ Made me like her more.

This all seems pretty reasonable stuff to be honest. I mean, the stuff about being ‘out of touch’ with the middle class isn’t some big reveal, it’s refreshing self-awareness, isn’t it? The only thing that felt a little ‘hmm’ to me was the stuff about how politicians should feel less pressure to put their financial

2016, when boasting about how ignorant you are seems like a good idea to some people.

That argument may or may not be technically correct (I honestly don’t know enough about tax laws), but if it is, the argument that explains it is quite long-winded and needs a fair amount of attention to process and take in.

I think it’s fair say that the voters Clinton needs to win away from Trump aren’t the

Very good.

He might end up that good in a year or two, but even as an Eagles fan who is firmly of the belief that drafting him was the right move, I’m expecting some bad games from him this season, and think that I wouldn’t be surprised by anything between 6 and 9 wins.

So is the comma age over, too?

You might be right about Newton, I’ll give you that. I do also think it’s fair to talk about Brady, Manning, Brees and maybe Favre as part of a historic peak of great QBs, so it’s not surprising to see some drop off from that. I think that’s temporary, though. Some more great players will show up in time.

If one out

I do agree with you that there are a lot of aging legends at QB but I think you’re overstating it a little.

Here’s how I think the starting QBs of the NFL shake out.

over 30:

Brady (39, great, started out as a game manager on a historically good team and flourished later in his career)
Brees (37, great, flourished with

I really shouldn’t have laughed at that. I am going to hell.

“Hillary’s job for the next 10.5 weeks is to defeat Donald Trump, not to give a historically accurate though completely alienating history of the GOP.”

Thank goodness you were here to everyone that because otherwise everyone here was probably going to make a terrible mistake and lose a LOT of money.

You have that image because a scientist sent it to you, I assume?

I don’t know what I find more worrying- his statement or her ongoing boasts about the power and influence of the NRA.

I don’t think it’s confusion about Republicans being capable of those things, so much as it is confusion about Newt Gingrich being capable of those things.

I care zero and know zero about basketball, usually. That’s something else though- that constant sense of ‘hang on a minute, what did he just do? How did he do that?’ Like that threaded pass- I felt like I had to watch it four times to even understand it. Obviously this is just edited highlights but my goodness, he’s