
@techynottreky: (gets new face from transplant because the shotgun used was not effective enough to kill)

@Wyldeice: Depends what you mean by "prevent". If Apple were to make it illegal to jailbreak their phone then (I believe) Apple is breaking the law. Otherwise they can do whatever they want as you agree to those terms when you make the purchase. On the other hand, Apple is god at making up irrelevant crap to

@Hel M.: Is this list of things available anywhere or is it like how the credit rating companies give ratings?

@Zhuzhu: I'm surprised you don't have a star yet. I would give you one just for this comment. Heart.

@Zhuzhu: LOL, I wrote before that I don't want a star since I'll lose sleep over trying to maintain it. Also, I'm not a big fan of "bitch" calling.

@mikeness: You mean Olivia Wilde? She was in the OC as Alex before she was in House.

@xsbs: Not cool, man. I wouldn't go around and call other commenters "bitch". [gizmodo.com]

@buff_man: They did, but they only saw the light, that's not enough anymore these days.

@RedEyeNinja: But not everyone can unstar or ban, right? So I'm guessing the ones holding the dagger are ... [gets banned for personal attacks].

@LoganR: Somehow the login system seems to be browser-dependent for me. It works in Firefox but not in Chrome.

@USMarty_v.2: How did your new username get approved so fast or did that take a while?

If there's an Autoban system/list, would you mind sharing it with the rest of us so we don't trigger a ban by accident? Or is the above the complete list?

@CubemonkeyNYC: @CSX321: You guys are giving me conflicting reports.

@Cupajo: That's what I thought.

To those who's seen the movie: can someone explain something to me? The movie shows Dom and Mol's get out of their limbo state at least twice, but neither time they are connected by a dream machine. How can they dream together without being hooked up to the same machine?

@RainyDayInterns: The compass and ability to copy (paper). Guess the ability to copy was perfected over the (thousands of) years.

Despite what quite a few of the commenters say, I think this is a great article, it helped cleared up the air for me and demonstrated work of high quality. I say keep this up, hopefully for other products as well.

So Dick Cheney will become a cyborg?

Judgment Day is closer than I thought.